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Study Counselling 

The objective of student counselling is to support and help you complete a meaningful and high-quality bachelor’s or master’s degree.

As a student at Oulu University of Applied Sciences, you are not alone; support with your studies is available through study counselling. Campus study counsellors are responsible for comprehensive counselling, guidance and support services. Tutor teachers, teachers in charge, and the head of studies can all help you with your personal study plan and career planning. 

Guidance Actors 

Tutor Teachers 

Tutor Teacher is the nearest counsellor of his/her group. He/she supports the professional growth of the student and guides the student with drawing up the personal study plan (PSP).  

The e-mail addresses of the personnel have the format:

Bachelor’s DegreesTutor teachers
Information Technology
DIN24SPJuha-Matti Huusko and Lasse Haverinen
DIN23SPMeija Lohiniva and Jonne Koivisto
DIN22SPJanne Kumpuoja
DIN21SPRaija Westerlund
Mechanical Engineering
DME24SPMatti Rahko
DME23SPAnnukka Tyni
ENP22SPFloro Cubelo
ENP23SPHelka Ervasti
ENP24SPVirpi Mäkikangas and Mirko Heikkinen
International Business
DIB24SPJenni Myllykoski
DIB23SPMiisa Tanner and Yanhong Xi
DIB22SPJonna-Riikka Kurtti
DIB21SPPia Puustjärvi
Master’s DegreesTutor Teachers
DPD22SYTIKIlpo Virtanen
DPD21SYTIKVille Majava
DPM25KYTEKNTeemu Leppänen
DPM24KYTEKNTeemu Leppänen
DPM23KTeemu Leppänen

Student Tutors

The student tutor is a peer tutor. He supports new students in grouping and orientation to the study environment. In addition, he encourages in matters related to internationalisation.

Heads of Studies and Teachers 

Head of Studies approves personal study plans and wide accreditations. Teachers guide on the matters concerning the contents and completing of courses. Teachers also guide on different studying / learning methods and on completing the course with alternative performance methods.  Additionally he or she approves single course accreditations.  

The e-mail addresses of the personnel have the format:

Degree ProgrammeHead of Studies
Energy Technology and Environmental EngineeringAntti Kemppainen
Mechanical Engineering, Sustainable Product DevelopmentTimo Väyrynen

Degree ProgrammeHead of Studies
International BusinessEija Rajakangas
Information TechnologyKaisa Orajärvi
Data analytics and project management, Master of Business AdministrationJukka Jauhiainen
Data analytics and project management, Master of EngineeringJukka Jauhiainen
Education EntrepreneurshipNina Patrikka
Modern Software and Computing Solutions, Master of Business AdministrationJukka Jauhiainen
Modern Software and Computing Solutions, Master of EngineeringJukka Jauhiainen
Printed IntelligenceJukka Jauhiainen

Degree ProgrammeHead of Studies
NursingFloro Cubelo, from 18 December 2024 to 31 March 2025 Outi Lastumäki
Clinical OptometryKirsi Koivunen

Campus Study Counsellors 

Campus Study Counsellors counsel students in studying and learning at every stage of the study path. They also support students´ personal growth and development. Campus study counsellors have particular responsibility for students who need special counselling, who for any reason fail to stay on schedule with their studies and are at risk of prolonging or discontinuing their studies. A further area of responsibility is guiding first-year students through an induction to their studies and study environment. 

You can book an appointment with Campus Study Counsellor by email, by phone, by sending a calendar invitation or by Bookings. Times are usually available on working days from 8 am until 4 pm. 

You can have the appointment either on campus or online. 

Maria Andersen 
+358 50 4610057 
Mechanical Engineering, Option of Sustainable Product Development, Building Services, Civil Engineering, Construction Architecture, Construction Management and Energy Technology 

Heli Huttunen 
+358 50 3814065 
Mechanical Engineering and Electrical and Automation Engineering 

Leila Karjalainen 
+358 40 1415349 
Information Technology and Business Information Systems 

Erja Korhonen 
+358 50 5213733 
Business Economics, Communication and Natural Resources

Ullamaija Niskanen 
+358 50 3307105 
International Business,  Music Pedagogue, Dance Teacher Education and Social Services

Elina Penger 
+358 50 4352323 
Psychological Wellbeing, Addiction and Crisis Counselling 

Susanna Saarinen 
+358 50 5293936 
Health Care

Ullamaija Niskanen 
+358 50 3307105 

Elina Penger 
+358 50 4352323 
Psychological Wellbeing, Addiction and Crisis Counselling 

Mari Vihelä 
+358 40 6309132 
Health Care

Elina Penger 
+358 50 4352323 
Psychological Wellbeing, Addiction and Crisis Counselling 


Valtti – Completed Degree as a Trump (= Valtti) to the Working Life
In the Valtti-groups the students discuss matters concerning studies and the student life, challenges and successes. 

Meeting point coffee on Tuesdays at 11:30-12:30 with Campus Study Counsellors

Linnanmaa campus 7A201 (lobby), Kontinkangas campus Louhi 2nd floor, lobby

Guests LinnanmaaGuests Kontinkangas
Student Chaplaincy
Oppimisen olohuone
Language Centre
21.1.FSHS Hoivatie
Language Centre
28.1.Study Psychologist
4.2.Student Chaplaincy
Study Psychologist
Student Chaplaincy
Language Centre
Language Centre
18.2.Language CentreHoivatie
Language Centre
25.2.Language CentreStudy Psychologist
11.3.Study Psychologist
Language Centre
The Finnish Diverse Learners´ Association
Language Centre
25.3.Study PsychologistHoivatie
Language Centre
1.4.Language Centre
8.4.Student Chaplaincy
15.4.Student Chaplaincy
Language Centre
Language Centre
Study Psychologist
22.4.Student ChaplaincyHoivatie

Study Counselling Services 

Study Counselling 

Learning and studying counselling focuses on the study process. We will give you guidance and support that will help you to recognise your strengths and development challenges as a student and handle the challenges you face at different stages of your studies. We do this, for example, with the help of the personal study plan (HOPS). 

Career Counselling 

Career planning and vocational growth counselling begin at the same time as your studies, with the aim of helping you develop your career planning skills and build a pathway to working life. We support vocational growth, formation of your identity in terms of your skills, and your awareness of how you can use your skills in your future work. You are an active participant in planning your own life and career. Have a think about your own skills, interests, and goals to help you find a place that suits you in the world of work. When drawing up a career plan, you can make use of things such as our career planning tool and update your personal study plan to correspond with your career plan. 

Optimum provides career services, working life know-how and job market updates for highly-educated professionals and students in Northern Finland. 

Supporting Wellbeing 

Supporting personal growth and wellbeing means that, when giving counselling, we take the individual’s life situation and life history as a whole into account. In particularly challenging life situations, such as when facing health problems, financial difficulties, family-related situations, substance problems and various other crisis situations, counselling that supports psychosocial development is needed.Issues related to student wellbeing are part of this area of counselling.