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Degree student

On these pages, you can find important information to support your studies. We hope they will help you to plan your studies, develop your skills and support you in your personal growth as part of your Bachelor or Master studies.

Content of Studies

Degree-specific and other educational competences are described in the curricula.

Pedagogical guidelines ensure the quality of teaching, supervision and learning in all education at Oamk.

Studies and Guidance

Your personal study plan can be used to adjust the curriculum according to your personal goals and career plants. You can ask for guidance and advice if the matter requires more individual attention or if you need more precise information on a specific question.

Study Support and Wellbeing

 Academic Affairs counsel and advise you on matters which are concerning right to study, financial aid for students, insurances and graduation.

Your well-being, progress with your studies and your ability to cope are all intertwined. From this section you can find information about support and welfare.

Oamk Community

The Oamk community includes students in education leading to a degree, teachers and other personnel. As a student, you can influence your studies and the development of education in different ways.