Theses are development or research work. You have a variety of options for thesis reporting.
The aim of the Bachelor’s thesis is to enhance and demonstrate the ability of students to apply their knowledge and skills in practical expert duties related to their professional studies.
The aim of the Master’s thesis is to enhance and demonstrate the ability of students to apply research knowledge and use selected methods for distinguishing and solving problems of working life as well as the ability to perform demanding expert tasks independently.
Theses written at universities of applied sciences can be found on Theseus.

Follow ethically responsible practices

Be familiar with the instructions of the thesis

Discuss with thesis supervisors

Record the documents related to your thesis in Pulmu
- Brainstorm the topic
- Prepare and approve the plan with the supervisor
- Carry out your thesis based on the plan
- Report using the template and reference guidelines
- Assess your thesis and have the client’s assessment
- Write a maturity test
- Save your thesis to Theseus