Safe Study Environment
Both students and staff have the right to a safe and equal study and work environment.
Safety activities observe the Finnish Rescue Act and Occupational Safety and Health Act. The aim is to improve the safety of people and to reduce the number of accidents. The Act also aims to ensure that when there is the threat of an accident or when an accident has occurred, people are rescued, important functions are secured and the consequences of the accident are successfully limited.
Near Miss Notification is a function, which you can use to make a notification of any security-related risk factors. Notification requires a VPN connection.
1. Scope
The rules and regulations of the higher education institutions of Oulu (University of Oulu and Oulu University of Applied Sciences Ltd) apply in campus areas and, where applicable, elsewhere where activities related to the teaching and research of the University or University of Applied Sciences are organised.
The rules and regulations apply to the entire higher education community, students, staff members and, where applicable, other visitors and employees in campus areas. Labour legislation also regulates matters concerning personnel. In addition to these rules and regulations, currently valid laws and regulations are also taken into account.
The rules and regulations ensure the general safety at higher education institutions, a comfortable working and studying environment, and the promotion of equal treatment. Each student and staff member should read through the rules and regulations that apply to them and follow them.
In teaching and research, higher education institutions are committed to following responsible conduct of research in accordance with the guidelines of the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity. (https://tenk.fi/en/research-misconduct/responsible-conduct-...).
2. General Order and Safety
Everyone is responsible for good conduct. Members of the higher education community have the right to a safe and equal learning and working environment. Everyone must behave appropriately in the facilities of higher education institutions and follow safety instructions. Threatening and violent behaviour, activities that disturb the public order and indicate violence, physical and verbal threats, and discrimination, bullying and harassment against a person or different groups are prohibited. The possession of objects and substances suitable for damaging another person is prohibited in the areas of higher education institutions.
Inappropriate behaviour is considered to include activities that disturb the public order or indicate violence, discrimination, bullying and harassment, physical or verbal threats from another person, as well as presenting another person’s work as your own, and other misconduct in studying. Inappropriate behaviour should be brought to the attention of staff and supervisors.
3. Higher Education Institution as a Public Space
During the opening hours of the campus, buildings are a public space where you can move and stay at freely when you are not disturbing others. The use of electric scooters and bicycles is prohibited indoors, as is charging their batteries.
The access to some workspaces, such as computer labs, laboratories and special teaching facilities, are restricted to students and staff that have an ID with an access control tag. Outside the opening hours, access to all facilities of higher education institutions is only possible with access control tags. It is prohibited to allow unknown persons whose right of access you do not know to access the restricted premises and the facilities of higher education institutions with your access control tag outside the opening hours.
In addition to access control, the campus area and common spaces are monitored by camera surveillance in order to maintain safety and to verify misconduct afterwards. Higher education institutions may hand over images and video in their possession to the pre-trial investigation authorities to prevent or investigate offences. Camera surveillance is only in places and to the extent permitted by law.
4. Use of the Facilities and Property of the Higher Education Institution
The facilities and equipment of higher education institutions are intended for tasks related to studies, research and higher education institutions. The facilities can only be rented or reserved for activities that support these tasks.
Unrelated commercial, political and religious activities and other promoting are prohibited in the hallways. Before general state elections, election debates and election events encouraging voting can be organized on campuses at the initiative of the university or the university of applied sciences or the student unions.
Organising a demonstration outside in a public place is everyone’s basic right. A permit is not required for the demonstration, but the police department of the place of assembly must be notified at least 24 hours in advance. Demonstrations are not permitted inside the campuses.
Property in shared use in the area of higher education institutions is handled thoughtfully and carefully. Everyone is obliged to compensate for the damage they caused to the property or premises of higher education institutions whether it was intentionally or through neglect. Everyone also does their part to ensure that the facilities are tidy and comfortable. Posters and signs are only allowed to be attached to notice boards. Accommodation in the campus area of higher education institutions, even temporarily, is prohibited.
5. Intoxicants and Smoking
It is prohibited to be intoxicated in the area of higher education institutions. A person who is under the influence of intoxicants or disturbs others with their behaviour can be removed from teaching and from the area of higher education institutions. However, the consumption of intoxicants is permitted in separately permitted events and in restaurants’ serving areas in accordance with the restaurants’ instructions. The use of intoxicants must not cause disturbance even in the aforementioned situations.
When a student is suspected of being intoxicated or under the influence of a narcotic substance, their participation in teaching may be prevented or, if necessary, suspended. In terms of personnel, the substance abuse programmes of higher education institutions act as guidelines in substance abuse cases.
Smoking is only permitted in places reserved for smoking. There are no such places on the campus if the Tobacco Act prohibits smoking in the area.
6. Violations and Penalties for Students and Staff
Penalties for violating the rules and regulations have been separately specified. In the case of students, possible penalties are a verbal warning; removal from the teaching or school premises; written warning from the President; and temporary suspension. Before the matter is resolved, the act or neglect that is the cause of the disciplinary penalty must be specified, the necessary clarification must be obtained and the student must be given an opportunity to be heard in the matter.
In the case of staff, possible consequences are a verbal and written warning and, in some cases, dismissal or termination of employment. The consequences of activities that deviate from the employer’s instructions are described separately in the personnel’s instructions.
7. Parking and Emergency Exit Routes
Vehicles must be parked in places designated as parking spaces. Emergency access roads must be kept absolutely free and accessible. Incorrect parking can be punished under the Road Traffic Act.
OUAS board 23 November 2021, section 12
The rules and regulations regarding the use of the facilities and property of the higher education institution has been updated on 11 December 2023.
Security Manager and Linnanmaa campus Security Officer
Antti Hirvonen, tel. +358 50 317 4870
Email: antti.hirvonen@oamk.fi
Linnanmaa campus Security Officer
Janne Jokilehto, tel. +358 50 356 7306
Email: janne.jokilehto@oulu.fi
Kontinkangas campus Security Officer
Jari Jokinen,tel. +358 50 542 3574
Email: jari.jokinen@oamk.fi
Guidelines for addressing bullying and inappropriate behaviour
Oamk does not tolerate bullying, inappropriate behaviour or harassment in any form.
We have developed a KELPO – Guidelines for addressing bullying and inappropriate behaviour, which we will follow if a student or staff member feels that they have been bullied or treated inappropriately in their learning community. In the case of a situation where a crime may have been committed, we will also refer the victim to the authorities and other support services. In KELPO situations, guidance is available from the KELPO contact person and health support from the study/work health service.
The experience of bullying, mistreatment or harassment is determined by the person who is subjected to it – not the perpetrator. It is desirable that the person who experiences misbehaviour informs perpetrator immediately that he or she feels that this behaviour is inappropriate. If the perpetrator continues the inappropriate behaviour after this, it should be addressed. The person who has been treated inappropriately can report their experience to a fellow student, a Student or Teacher Tutor, a Campus Study Councellor or OSAKO’s Harassment Contact Person. If the treatment does not change or if the matter cannot be resolved in private or in a supported way, the person who has been treated inappropriately or who has witnessed inappropriate treatment can file a KELPO report. The KELPO report initiates the KELPO process in a way that is agreed with the reporter. In case the misbehaviour involves several individuals, information may be collected to clarify the case or situation and to take the process forward.
In the KELPO process, the experience of someone who has been bullied, mistreated or harassed will be heard by both the KELPO contact person and the perpetrator. The aim is that the perceived inappropriate behaviour stops and the perpetrator understands the significance of his/her actions for the victim. The goal of shared understanding is to enable the parties to cooperate in the future.
It is a duty of each member of the community of the Oulu UAS, both students and personnel, to promote equality. The purpose of the Equality Act (1329/2014) is to prevent discrimination based on gender, gender identity or gender expression and to promote equality between women and men.
According to the Non-Discrimination Act (1325/2014) nobody may be discriminated against on the basis of age, ethnic or national origin, nationality, language, religion, belief, opinion, political activity, labor union activity, family relationships, health, disability, sexual orientation or any other personal trait.
Equality Plan of Oulu UAS – Students introduces the basis and goals of equality work, documents, work groups and contacts related to equality and also monitoring and assessment of equality work.
Students may contact the following parties in matters related to equality:
Contact party | Preventation, handling and removing of unequal treatment |
Campus Study Counsellor, Study Counsellor | Learning difficulties Accessibility matters Other discrimination |
Head of Studies, Teacher Tutors, Teacher, Manager of the School, Director of the School | Study feedback from all study courses Student survey Problems related to studies Rectification of assessment Cheating Other discrimination |
Academic Affairs Oamk Service Team staff, A representative of an international partner university | Problems related to studies abroad Accessibility matters Other discrimination |
Student Union OSAKO Harassment Contact Persons Student Representatives Student Tutors | Harassment taking place on the bases of sexual orientation, gender or other grounds for discrimination Brings students’ perspective to the decision making of the University of Applied Sciences and equality-related issues to working groups Problems related to studies |
Academic Affairs Study psychologist and other Students’ Guidance Services Service Manager and other Oamk Service Team staff | Accessibility matters Other discrimination Cheating |
Student Healthcare and Chaplaincy University Services | Accessibility matters Other discrimination |
Board of Examiners | Rectification of assessment (if has not been solved with teacher/head of the degree programme) |
Rector | Rectifications related to student selection Rectifications related to the loss of right to study |
Student Insurance
The students are insured during activities according to the curriculum.
- Theoretical teaching (including distance learning)
- Practical teaching
- Practical work placement
- Unpaid practical work placement at a workplace outside the educational institution
- Student accident insurance is valid during studies or internships abroad if the foreign study or internship is part of the student’s curriculum at a Finnish educational institution.
- Direct trips (the shortest route from the student’s residence during study time to the educational institution or curriculum-related activity, and back)
- See a doctor immediately or as soon as possible if the injury causes symptoms that do not go away within a few days.
- Visit your nearest FSHS (Finnish Student Health Service) or the nearest If partner clinic, for example Mehiläinen or Terveystalo.
- In case of an accident at practical training, inform the health clinic that you are a student of Oamk and that the insurance provider is If.
- All the compensation matters are handled through Academic Affairs, so in the event of an accident, please contact study.oamk@oulu.fi as soon as possible.
- Liability insurance covers property damage or personal injury to the employer or those outside it when the student is personally liable for the damage.
- Directly related trip means the most direct journey to and from a study-time apartment to an educational institution or to activities that are part of the curriculum.
- Travel Insurance for students is valid during trips that are included in the curriculum.
- You can get the Insurance Certificate from Academic Affairs by contacting study.oamk@oulu.fi.
- Seek medical help at the destination.
- By showing a mobile travel insurance card/certificate you do not usually have to pay the costs yourself. The hospital or doctor should invoice If. If you must pay the costs yourself, you can claim compensation online.
If claims service:
- Telephone (+358) 010 19 17 15 (personal injury) and telephone (+358) 010 515 8203 (luggage).
- In case of an emergency abroad contact SOS International 24/7. Call +45 38 48 89 77.
- USA, Canada and South America: Global Medical Management Inc (GMMI) 24/7.
- If you call from in the US: 1 800 694 9483. Outside the US +1 954 308 3901.
- You are entitled to a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) granted by Kela if you are covered for health insurance in Finland or if Finland is responsible for your medical care costs. The card is available free of charge. Read more about EHIC and apply for the card before you travel.
- By showing your European Health Insurance Card, you will receive treatment in EU and EEA countries, Switzerland, United Kingdom and Northern Ireland at the same price as the citizens of that country.
- You will receive medically necessary treatment. This means treatment that cannot wait until you return home.
- You can also get pregnancy-related treatment and treatment for childbirth or for a long-term illness.
- For further information on the EHIC, please refer to the SchengenVisaInfo- website.
For further information and insurance matters, please contact study.oamk@oulu.fi.
Contact person Anu Inkala, tel. (+358) 040 141 5734
Contact person Maarit Kettunen, tel. (+358) 040 141 5715
Contact person Raija Pohjola, tel. (+358) 040 141 5733