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Nuori naisopiskelija piirtää valkotaululle tussilla ja toinen nuori nainen seuraa vieressä.

Language and communication studies

The language and communication studies aim to ensure graduates have enough language and communication skills to work in the profession and develop their own skills.

Objectives of Language and Communication Studies

At OUAS, the objectives of language and communication competences are described in the following competence profile:

I communicate and interact in a written and verbal form as appropriate. I work in international and multicultural environments and networks in my mother tongue, in my second national language and at least in one foreign language. I act competently in communication and interaction situations in my field of study and work. I use my communication and language skills to develop my knowledge and professional skills.

Language and Communication Courses

Language, communication, and international skills are essential for working life in all sectors. Therefore, all OUAS’s degrees include studies in Finnish communication, second national language and English. From autumn 2023, all Finnish-language OUAS curricula include the following language and communication studies common to all:

  • YY00DU50 Työelämän viestintätaidot 3 cr
  • YY00DU51 Svenska för arbetslivet 3 cr
  • YY00DU52 English for Working Life 3 cr
  • YY00DU52 Viestintä tutkimus- ja kehittämistyössä 3 cr

In addition to the above, the different degrees of Oulu University of Applied Sciences may include additional language and communication studies as compulsory or alternative studies. In addition to compulsory and optional language and communication studies included in the degree, you can choose language and communication studies from the OUAS’s offer of free-choice courses or from other higher education institutions.

In addition to the language studies provided by OUAS you can complete virtual language studies free of charge during semesters or as summer studies during summer through CampusOnline or KiVANET network.

As a degree student of Oamk you can also take part in the language studies organized by  the University of Oulu, if there are enough places in the study groups. Also the international exchange students of Oamk can complete language studies at the University of Oulu if the courses are offered to the exchange students in the network agreement. No participation fees will be collected. Please see instructions on cross-institutional studies and how to apply. See also the course catalogue for the cross-institutional language studies.

You can also study language and communication studies at other higher education institutions, for example through an open university. Please check from the service provider, if course fees will be collected. You are responsible for the expenses of the language courses taken outside OUAS.

If you would like to include the language studies completed outside Oamk into your degree, please contact the head of studies, who will decide, if the language course attainments can be recognised towards your degree.

Support for Language and Communication Studies

The Language Centre aims to ensure thateach student´s language and communication studies progress smoothly.If you feel that you need to make individual arrangements for your studies, please contact your teacher as early as possible. You can discuss with your teacher alternative study and learning arrangements that suit you best. These may include on-campus or online delivery or slower-paced study groups.

Level tests are provided in English and Swedish for students studying in a Finnish degree programme.
Students in an English degree programme whose language of education is Finnish should take the level test in Swedish to find out their level before their obligatory course in Swedish.

On the basis of the level tests, some students will be directed to preparatory Swedish or English courses or to brush up on languages independently.

Text workshops are available for all OUAS students. At the workshops students can get support in producing different texts in Finnish and English (including Finnish as a second language). Text workshops are held each week either on campus (Linnanmaa and Kontinkangas) or online (Zoom).

Guidance is given on writing the text and issues such as text citation and bibliographical references. In these workshops, you can work on any written assignment (e.g. thesis, abstract, report, essay) under the guidance of a language teacher. Language teachers can provide guidance on general principals of writing or, for example, on citation according to the OUAS common thesis guidelines. For questions of content or specific practices, students should seek guidance from a professional teacher.

Bring your own computer with you to the workshop. If there are many participants in the workshop, you may have to wait for your turn. In the Zoom workshop, wait for your turn in the main space, where the instructor will pick you up. The Zoom workspace link is below the schedule table.

Below you can see the timetable for text workshops. If you are viewing the table on a mobile device, rotate the screen to landscape orientation.

11Wed – 17.30Finnish & EnglishSoili Fabritius, Tuija Juntunen, Elina BergrothZoom/Linnanmaa7E207
12Tue – 17.45Finnish & EnglishKati Hurskainen, Arja Maunumäki, Juho-Antti TuhkanenZoom/Linnanmaa7E207
13Wed – 17.45Finnish & EnglishMerja Suomalainen, Elina Bergroth, Tuula HopeavuoriZoom/KontinkangasLou B2024
14Thu – 17.45Finnish & EnglishArja Maunumäki, Karoliina Pigg, Maarit WimmerZoom/Linnanmaa7E208
15Tue – 16.30Finnish & EnglishTuija Juntunen, Kati Hurskainen, Elina BergrothZoom/Linnanmaa7E207
16Wed – 17.45Finnish & EnglishTuula Hopeavuori, Anna-Beata Koskelo, Anne PoutiainenZoom/Linnanmaa7E207
17Tue – 17.46Finnish & EnglishSoili Fabritius, Juho-Antti Tuhkanen, Maarit WimmerZoom/Linnanmaa7E207
18Mon – 14.00Finnish & EnglishMerja Suomalainen, Hanna Poussu, Arja MaunumäkiZoom/KontinkangasLou B2024
19Tue – 17.00Finnish & EnglishKati Hurskainen, Tuija Juntunen, Arja MaunumäkiZoom/Linnanmaa7E208
20Tue – 17.30Finnish & EnglishHelmi Kilpeläinen, Hanna Poussu, Miisa TannerZoom/Linnanmaa7E207
21Wed – 17.00Finnish & EnglishHelmi Kilpeläinen, Juho-Antti Tuhkanen, Elina BergrothZoom/Linnanmaa5D216
22Tue – 17.45Finnish & EnglishHelmi Kilpeläinen, Hanna Poussu, Miisa TannerZoom/Linnanmaa7B215
23Tue – 16.30Finnish & EnglishHelmi Kilpeläinen, Hanna Poussu, Miisa TannerZoom/Linnanmaa7E207

Recognition and Accreditation of Language Studies

Previously acquired language and communication skills and those competencies acquired elsewhere can be recognised as part of the degree (HOT). Recognition and accreditation of learning is based on a competence-based approach. Find out more about the recognition and accreditation of acquired language and communication skills: