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Master of Culture and Arts, Innovative Music Performance


Name of the qualification

Master of Culture and Arts

Degree title

Master of Culture and Arts

Scope of degree

60 ECTS / 1-2 years

Name of the degree programme

Master’s degree programme in Innovative Music Performance

Number of starting places20
Implementation of studiesBlended teaching, Online teaching
You will study the degree online. There are about 1-2 joint webinars (remotely) per month, depending on your course choices. The innovative Music Performance degree programme also includes face-to-face learning periods, which are determined by your course choices.
Exercises and performances mainly require on-campus visits.

Linnanmaa campus

Yliopistokatu 9, 90570 Oulu , Finland

Application period

January 8-22 2025 at 3 pm Finnish time

Beginning of the studiesAutumn 2025
Other info

Tuition fee for non-EU/EEA students 10 000€ per academic year. Scholarship available.

Eligibility criteria

Applicants must have completed a higher education degree. Higher  vocational level diploma in Finland is also accepted.

In addition two (2) years of field specific work experience is required after the graduation. If applicant has completed post-secondary or higher vocational level diploma in Finland in any field of education, the work experience between those diplomas and higher education diploma is taken into consideration.

The qualification must have been completed by the July 10 2025. The two years of work experience required for eligibility must have been acquired by the July 31 2025.

If the experience is in the arts sector, artistic activities may be accepted instead of work experience if demonstrated within a portfolio (Law 932/2014). Work experience will be indicated in full months.

More information on how to calculate your work experience and if you are an entrepreneur can be found at the website of general admission criteria for master’s degree.

Language requirement

The applicant must demonstrate sufficient proficiency in the English language during the application. More information regarding the language requirements is available here.

Student selection

The student selection is two-phased: advance assignment and interview. Applicants must pass the advance assignment in order to be invited to second phase of student selection and take part in an individual online interview. The advance assignment is evaluated on a scale of approved / rejected.

The advance assignment

Advance assignment consists of the following three sections and should be submitted in English in pdf-format by uploading it to the online application on 29 January 2025 at 3 pm Finnish time at the latest.

The presentation video and any other extensive media files should be attached as a link to the pdf document (in the case of a video, the link may lead to a private video on YouTube, for example). It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the link works. The advance assignment will only be accepted for this Oulu University of Applied Sciences application. Each part of the advance assignment is described in more detail below.

In the introduction video, the applicant tells in their own words about themself and the proposed development task. In this context, the video is a free-form presentation with images and sound. The technical quality of the video is not assessed, as long as it is clear. Instead of a video shot with a mobile phone or camera, a video could be a powerpoint presentation with a soundtrack or a recording of a one-to-one online meeting. The video should be 5-10 minutes long. If the video is longer or shorter than this, it will reduce the number of points awarded.

As a minimum, cover the following in the video:

Performance Demonstration: Applicants are required to submit a video of their performance and showcase the applicant’s musical ability.

Briefly describe yourself from a professional point of view (based on your CV, for example). Also, why should you be chosen to study?

What is the value of a master’s degree education for you? 

Give a short sales pitch for your development project: why should it be done and what are the benefits for you and for the cultural sector in general?  Do you see any risks to the success of the exercise?

As part of the preliminary assignment, the applicant will also prepare a preliminary plan for the development assignment for their thesis. The thesis for a Master’s degree is a research and development project that promotes working life and regional development. It has a clear work and/or cultural development perspective. It is important that the objectives are concrete when drawing up the plan.

The plan measures the student’s skills in approaching a work-based development task. It will assess the concreteness of the objectives, the appropriateness of the theory and content, the realism of the methods and timetable, and the usefulness of the results for the student and the cultural sector.

The plan should be 2-4 pages in length (A4 size, Arial 12 font, 1,5 line spacing and 2 cm margins). It should show at least:

what results are sought and how the subject of the work is to be developed.

Project/Concert Proposal: Applicant should submit proposal for potential project or concert. The proposal should explore the intersection of music with other art forms that may push the boundaries of traditional concert experiences and incorporate original elements and innovative programming.

the subject of the work and the question or problem it seeks to answer

the background to the work, its objectives and an idea of how it will be carried out

the main concepts, research methods and knowledge base of the work

The CV will be drawn up specifically from the point of view of the cultural sector. The CV should be presented in a concise manner. It should show, for example, the studies completed, work history and specific merits (such as being in charge of major productions, being a director of one’s own or a pupil’s company, etc.).

It is also a good idea to include a list of publications, a catalogue of works or similar. The list should be condensed to key outputs. For example, a journalist does not need to list their normal publications, but their publication activity is reflected in the work history. If you wish, you can write a short supplementary statement.

If work experience is demonstrated by artistic activity, an artistic portfolio should be attached at the end of the CV. The content and duration of the artistic activity must be presented in such a way as to enable the selection board to compare the scope and duration of the activity with full-time employment.

Applicants may come from very different backgrounds. Therefore, the type of CV may also be very different and the exact format is left to the discretion of the applicant. The maximum length of a CV is six A4 pages (excluding the artistic portfolio). It is essential that the CV clearly highlights the applicant’s main merits.

The interview

The minimum number of applicants invited to an interview is twice the number of available study places. The interview period will take place in March-April 2025.

Interview is evaluated on a scale of 0 to 100 points (min. points 20). In the event of a tie, all applicants with the same score will be selected.

The skill of the applicant’s English is evaluated on the basis of advance assignments and the interview, in addition to demonstrated sufficient proficiency in the English language during the application.

Interview topics include:

Future Vision: During the interview, applicant is asked to share their vision for their future as a musician. This will help understanding their long-term goals and how this program can support them in achieving these goals. 

More in-depth discussion of the applicant’s skills and aspirations.

More information on how to apply for Master’s degree is available here.

Contact information

More information regarding the application and admission

Admission Services

More information regarding the studies and the content of the programme

Vanessa Cunha

Principal lecturer
Tel. +358 50 434 8954