Open University of Applied Sciences
At the Open University of Applied Sciences you can carry out university of applied sciences studies in different fields, regardless of your basic education and age.The courses at the Open University of Applied Sciences and their performance requirements are the same as in education leading to a degree. This means that you can propose your studies for accrediting if you later study in one of our degree programmes.
You cannot obtain a degree through the Open University of Applied Sciences. The studies are subject to a fee, and you can apply for them all year round taking the enrollment times into consideration.
Available education
We provide day, online and multiform teaching. If your goal is to study a degree, path studies are a great option for you. Path studies mainly consist of first year’s courses. After finishing your path studies you can apply for a degree student status on the basis of your completed studies.
Courses offered in English (Note! You can change the language of the registration system to English from the top right corner of the page).
Current topics
The price of one credit is 15 euros. Alternatively, you can study an unlimited number of credits with an annual fee of 300 euros during one academic year (1st August to 31st July). Paid study fees will not be refunded. If you wish to cancel your enrollment, you may do so during the enrollment period. Contact the Open UAS contact person. Note! Enrolment to Nonstop studies is binding and cannot be cancelled without paying the study fee.
For those who graduated from Oamk after 1.1.2023 (bachelor’s/master’s degrees), studies are free of charge for four terms following graduation.
As a student of the Open UAS you have the right to take courses that have been decided by the school, to receive study guidance, and to receive a student ID which authorizes access to the electronic student services of the University of Applied Sciences.
Selection of Students with Open University of Applied Sciences Studies as a Degree Student
Students who have completed Open University of Applied Sciences studies can apply for Degree student status on the basis of their studies without participating in the normal student selection. Please note, that the studies must have been completed in a Finnish University of Applied Sciences.
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