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Arts Innovation

The Arts Innovation research program bridges the arts, innovation and emerging technologies with a focus on interdisciplinary experimentation and co-design between young and established arts professionals, researchers and culture and creative sector stakeholders. Welcome! 

About us

The Arts Innovation research program was established in 2022 at the Oulu University of Applied Sciences to undertake long-term, innovative, cross-sectoral testing of and training with new technologies in order to transform practice and advance new forms of artistic content creation, especially in live arts.

The Arts Innovation research program has regional, national and international goals – At the regional level, the aim of the research program is to act as a hub and facilitator for collaboration among Oulu region stakeholders involved in art and technology activities, especially as these relate to the Oulu 2026 European Capital of Culture programme.

At the national level, the research program works to host projects and events targeting interdisciplinary experimentation between existing communities of practice in arts, innovation and technology.

Globally, the research program has the ambition to become a world-class centre for live arts co-design through the expansion of collaborations and networks between Finnish and international artists and creative technologists.

Pianistin sormen pianon koskettimilla ja valokuvioita ilmassa


Our experts

Contact us via email:

Blair Stevenson
Principal lecturer
Digital solutions
+358 (0)50 573 2948

Julia Heikkinen
Project manager
Digital solutions
+358 (0)50 528 8897

Osmo Hakosalo
Project manager
Digital solutions

Liisa Ronkainen

Liisa Ronkainen
Project manager
Digital solutions
+358 (0)50 4356421

Jan Julin
Digital solutions

Heikki Riikonen
Development manager
+358 (0)50 5979873

Katarina Rauhala

Katarina Rauhala
Project planning officer
Digital solutions
+358 (0)50 3122820

Tommi Karjalainen
Media assistant
Digital solutions
+358 (0)40 4820258

Core activities

We are focused on providing meaningful added value to the growing Finnish ecosystem on arts, creativity and innovation. Specifically, the Arts Innovation research program targets three types of core activities: training, innovation activities, and applied research.

Grounded in the Oulu University of Applied Sciences’ studies in media arts, dance, music and technology, the Arts Innovation research prohgram offers specific training in competencies relating to topics such as arts innovation, emerging technology use in the arts and arts entrepreneurship. Additionally, the research program is supporting the development of new Master’s level programs in Oulu and with partners internationally.

Arts Innovation research program is hosting a series of events and initiatives relating to arts innovation for students, professionals and institutions including support for the City of Oulu’s new museum facility addition to the Oulu Art Museum and Science Center – Luuppi due to open in 2026.

The Arts Innovation research program is engaged in applied research at the interface of arts and emerging technologies including the development of physical infrastructure in Oulu available to artists and researchers to experiment with and push the limits of technologies ranging from machine learning and extended reality to haptics and audio-visual staging. A critical component of this work is the development of a physical testing facility in Oulu due to begin in 2023 to support co-design work, residencies and production experimentation for Finnish and international students and professionals.

kenkä värivalojen keskellä pimeässä tilassa

Our key objectives

1. To host and support experimental activities at the interface of live performance and emerging technologies (digital performance) in cooperation with stakeholders in the Oulu area and internationally.
2. To offer training and competence development in the practice of digital performance.
3. To conduct and support research on the production and participation in digital performance.
4. To engage in network building for digital performance in Finland, in Europe, and globally.


The Arts Innovation research program is coordinating Oamk’s membership in the European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA). Oamk is actively engaged in ELIA’s growing international network including recent selection to the organization’s unique sister-school program between European and Ukrainian universities – UAx Platform – supporting the CAI’s growing collaboration with the National Academy for Fine Arts and Architecture in Kyiv, Ukraine.

How to start working with us?

We are keen to build applied research collaborations with other institutions in Finland, Europe and beyond. Our strategic core areas for research connect with the overarching European Commission goals for sustainability, digitalization and social innovation. More specifically, we are expanding our work during 2023-2025 in these topics and how they connect with technologies such as artificial intelligence, projection mapping and motion capture. If you would like to get involved in any of our ongoing projects or would like to discuss collaborations, feel free to reach out.

Arts Innovation research program
Oulu University of Applied Sciences
Yliopistokatu 9, 90570 Oulu FINLAND

Our projects

Northern lights over a Sami lavvu.
1.1.2024 – 31.12.2026 / Arts and Culture

Project objective CRAFT-IT4SD aims to transform the cultural and creative…

Kievin yliopiston päärakennus
1.8.2023 – 31.12.2025

This project is a mobility between Oamk and the National…

Tapahtuma, jossa tunnelmallinen valaistus.
1.4.2023 – 30.9.2025 / Arts and Culture

Welcome to a training program designed for producers, offering a…

Portrait of the bright beautiful emotional woman with art make-up listen music with notes on dark background
1.11.2023 – 31.10.2025 / Humanities

Our goal in the TASSU project is to prevent social…

Kuvassa blurrattu ihmishahmo kulkee punaisen seinäkkeen taakse ja etualalla on valokuvioita
1.8.2023 – 31.12.2026 / Arts and Culture

AVARA Event and Testbeds (Oulu2026) -project actions The AVARA testbed…

Kuvassa balettitanssija, jonka jalkoihin ja käsiin on kiinnitetty antureita ja jonka liike näkyy taustalla olevalta näyttöruudulta grafiikkahahmon liikkeenä.
1.2.2023 – 30.9.2024 / Arts and Culture

The project aims to encourage the development of artistic practices…

ACuTe-hankkeen kansikuva, jossa mies kyykistyneenä maalaustelineellä.
1.7.2022 – 30.6.2026 / Arts and Culture

ACuTe is a trend-setting, large-scale European innovation project aiming to…