KEPEÄ – Developing work-life pedagogy
1 May 2021 - 31 October 2023
Education and Pedagogy

We develop solutions to support students in need of special guidance.
The heterogeneity of student groups has increased both in vocational secondary education and in universities of applied sciences. New challenges to guidance arise from:
- Students’ lack of general work-life skills, such as self-direction and initiative
- Life management issues, such as mental health challenges, substance abuse, or fear of social situations
- Learning difficulties, such as dyslexia and ADHD
- Different cultural backgrounds: language challenges for immigrants and international students, or differences in teaching and learning techniques and cultures.
In the KEPEÄ project, we promote the progress of students in need of special guidance in their studies and their integration into the job market.
As a result of the project, we are building new operational models to support workplace learning or internships and recognition of prior learning for students in need of special guidance.
We are creating a training guide and package for teachers and workplace mentors in universities of applied sciences, as well as establishing a work-life pedagogical network involving different levels of education and the workplace.
We promote the progress of students in need of special guidance in their studies and their integration into the job market
Our goal is to support the progress of students in need of special guidance in their workplace learning, internships, and employment, as well as to develop the work-life pedagogical skills of workplace mentors and teachers.
Through these measures, we aim to promote the progress of students in need of special guidance in their studies and their integration into the job market. We are developing the project’s measures and results together with the project stakeholders and the regional work-life pedagogical network we are building in the project.
Funding and Implementers
The project is coordinated by Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Vocational Teacher Education. Oamk is also involved in the social and cultural sector. Lapland University of Applied Sciences (social sector and business), Oulun Palvelualan Opisto (OPAO, catering and cleaning sectors), Koillis-Suomen Aikuiskoulutus (KSAK), and Rovaniemen koulutuskuntayhtymä (REDU) are the co-implementers.
The project is funded by the European Social Fund, and the funding is granted by the North Ostrobothnia Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment.