Information for Open UAS student
Welcome to study at Oamk Open UAS!
- Get yourself Oamk Student-ID.
- Login to Oamk student email and Moodle learning environment.
- Start the Digital Starter Package.
- Check the timetable of your course from Schedule Tool or Tuudo.
- Please read the materials below carefully.
At the beginning of your studies, you are granted a personal student account. It’s your key to systems and services of Oulu University of Applied Sciences (Oamk) during your studies.
- By receiving the personal account, you also approve Rules of IT Services Use. These rules are adhered to by the people of the University and Oamk.
New student user account
- You will receive an automatic email from ICT Services when your user account is available. You will find your username in the message and, among other things, instructions on how to set a password for your user account through the suomi.fi authentication service.
However, if you do not have a Finnish personal identity code, you will receive a corresponding e-mail message and, in addition, a temporary password as a text message to the phone number you indicated.
More detailed information & instructions can be found on ICT’s webpage:
If there are any problems with the user account, please contact ICT Services:
ict@oulu.fi / 0294 483 124
Microsoft Office 365 includes your student email, which you can register by adding @students.oamk.fi after the username you have been provided (for example c0vepi99@students.oamk.fi). It is to this email where all the messages, information bulletins about your studies, notifications about expiring passwords and the messages sent from Moodle/Peppi will be sent. It is very important that you actively monitor this email address.
Login to the service on your browser. With the links in the toolbar, you can access the other MS cloud services, such as your OneDrive. You must read your Oamk email regularly. Teachers use emails to inform the students. If you primarily use some other email address, you can forward your study emails to that address.
Schedule Tool
The schedules are available in Schedule Tool (Lukkarikone). Please note that possible changes in schedules are announced in Schedule Tool, so remember to check it regularly. From Schedule Tool you will find information about the time and place of your courses as well as possible links to an online connections (links can also be found from Moodle). If there are no exact hours for your course in Schedule Tool, the course will be held online. In that case, follow your student email to get the course information sent by the teacher and join the Moodle platform of the course. Schedules are published periodically in the Schedule Tool. If you take courses with different study groups, it is possible that part of the teaching will overlap. If this is the case, find out from the teacher whether you can study all courses you have chosen. If necessary, cancel your enrolment as soon as possible: avoinamk@oulu.fi.
Moodle is one of Oamk’s e-learning environments. Teachers use Moodle to share material and exercises for the course. Moodle requires you to log in with your student ID. Note! Do not write your student email to username. Use the short username (for example c0vepi99). Note! Login to Moodle as soon as you have gotten your Student ID.
In Moodle, each e-learning course has its own space. If you have received the web-address for the Moodle course, click on it first and then log in to Moodle. If you have received a Moodle course name or short name, first log in to Moodle (oamk.fi/moodle) and search for the Moodle course with its name or short name using the Search function (Magnifying glass image at the top right). When you find the right course, click on its name. If Moodle asks for the key for self-registration, you will not be able to join the course without it. If you do not know the course key, ask your teacher. If a Moodle course is not found, registration for the course may not be open yet.
Open UAS current topics will be informed in Moodle. Login to the Open UAS Moodle course at the beginning of your studies. On the Moodle you will find important instructions and current news for Open UAS student. Moodle-instructions can be found at Student’s guide (moodle.oulu.fi). (Access key: student)
Tuudo Mobile Application
Oulu University of Applied Sciences uses the Tuudo mobile application to make your student life simpler. With Tuudo, you manage your studies and ease your daily life, both on and off the campus. You can download the Tuudo app for your mobile device. From Tuudo you will find e.g. your schedule, the grades you have received, Oamk news etc. For more information, see IT-services’ info on Tuudo.
Peppi is a password protected student and course credit system, which you can access with your student username. You can check your progress, the current state of your studies, the credits you have accumulated, and you can print your transcript of records in Peppi (Atomi service) – instructions. You can see your own enrolments and course implementation codes from Peppi on the “Enrolments” tab of the PSP section (Personal Study Plan).
Studying at a university of applied sciences requires good digital learning skills and the management of digital services that benefit and enable studies. Digital study skills refer to applying digitality to studying, learning and to utilizing support services. In student’s everyday life digitalization is seen in the planning and implementation of studies and in the use of premises, facilities and materials.
The aim of this Digital Starter Package is to:
- learn how to use digital programs and services that are essential for learning.
- you will get to know and use different programs, services and systems in practice.
- you understand the purpose of different programs, services, and systems and know where to ask for more information or help.
You can complete the digital starter package at your own pace, at the right time for you. If necessary, you can return to this platform to review things throughout the first academic year.
The Digital Starter Package for students of the Open University of Applied Sciences is at Oamk’s Moodle: https://moodle.oulu.fi/course/view.php?id=10027
The enrolment key is: OpenUAS21
Open UAS studies are invoiced according to enrolments. If you need to cancel your enrolment, please contact avoinamk@oulu.fi. Cancelling without a fee is possible only before the course has started. The pricing is 15€ / credit. Alternatively, you can study an unlimited number of credits with an annual fee of 300 euros during one academic year. The invoice will be payable through Paytrail. Note! Enrolment to Nonstop studies is binding and cannot be cancelled without paying the study fee.
You will receive an email when the invoice is payable.
As a student of the Open UAS, you can eat at the student restaurants operated on the campuses. You are not entitled to student benefits such as subsidized meals. As an open student, you are entitled to a more affordable price on the basic lunch menu choices (check the price from the restaurants).
You can verify your right to the discounted lunch price by presenting Tuudo’s Meal discount page on your mobile device. Paper meal cards are delivered only upon request to students (email us avoinamk@oulu.fi). When buying lunch, be prepared to show your ID in addition to the meal card.
Upon request, the Open UAS contact person can write an attendance certificate and other official statements of studies, for example, to the TE services.
After completing all of your studies at the Open UAS, you can order a digitally signed transcript of records via Peppi. Digitally signed documents are available immediately and you can print or forward them as electronic attachments. Documents ordered via Peppi are official documents which are valid to prove your studies to authorities. If you need a paper version, you can request the certificate by email: avoinamk@oulu.fi.
The Study Guide contains information about studies, guidance and services. The home page contains links to the most important electronic tools (Oiva, Peppi, Schedule Tool, exam, Moodle and Office 365 e-mail).
With issues relating to course contents and implementation, please contact course teacher. You can see the name of the teacher from Schedule Tool and Tuudo. Email-addresses: firstname.lastname@oamk.fi. You can check more detailed contact information with personnel search tool at Oiva.
With issues relating to enrolment, cancellation, invoicing and student services, please contact avoinamk@oulu.fi, 029 448 9213 (telephone service hours Tuesday & Thursday at 12-15).
Wishing you successful studies!
If you have enrolled for a nonstop course and paid an open university fee, join the Moodle workspace of the course with your Oamk student-ID and start studying the course (log in to Moodle using Oulu University of Applied Sciences account). Note! You cannot join the course’s Moodle workspace if you have not enrolled for the course.
You can find the links and keys to the Moodle workspaces on the Open UAS Moodle. If the course is not in the list, the Moodle workspace should appear automatically when you log into Moodle (there may be a one-day delay in the appearance of the workspace from the first time you log into Moodle).
You can start studying the course according to your own schedule, but please note the end date of the course. You can find more information about the implementation of the course in the Moodle workspace. If you have any questions about the implementation or content of the course, please contact the course teacher. Teachers’ e-mails are in the format: firstname.lastname@oamk.fi.