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Useita asiantuntijoita valkoisissa takeissa työskentelee PrinLabissa

PrinLab – Development Laboratory for Printed Intelligence

Printed or printable electronics (also known as printed intelligence) refers to functionality manufactured using various printing methods on different materials such as plastics, paper, or textiles. At Oamk's Prinlab, we offer design, manufacturing, and testing services related to printed electronics, as well as participate in research and development activities and provide training and coaching related to the topic.

Research and development projects in printed electronics, design, manufacturing, and testing services, as well as training

Oulu University of Applied Sciences’ PrinLab is a high-quality laboratory environment for printed electronics. Through printed electronics, we can efficiently create flexible, lightweight, and mass-produced structures by printing on various substrates for different purposes. Our team is involved in national and international interdisciplinary research and development projects. Additionally, we offer design, manufacturing, and testing services for printed electronics to support companies’ product development and contribute to Oamk’s educational activities.

One common traditional printing method is silk screening, commonly used for printing t-shirts. With new techniques, functional materials can be printed on t-shirts to measure body temperature, for example. Printed electronics can be applied to various materials such as paper, different types of plastics, and textiles.

With advancements in ink and printing material development, it’s now possible to print electronics, sensors, and other functionalities into very compact spaces and onto flexible materials.

Well-equipped facilities and equipment

In PrinLab, we utilize a wide range of printing techniques in sheet-to-sheet and roll-to-roll processes. Our well-equipped facilities and equipment are also suitable for various types of measurements and testing.

Exciting opportunities in a rapidly evolving field

Printing electronics directly onto the desired substrate during the manufacturing phase saves time and materials on the production line. The advancement of traditional and printed electronics, along with functional materials, continually introduces new, more environmentally friendly, and versatile solutions to the market. The rapid development in the field offers companies exciting new paths for product development.

Could your product or product idea benefit from printed electronics technologies? Feel free to contact PrinLab!

Here's how our service works!


Contact our laboratory staff.

The agreement on collaboration

Let’s discuss your needs together and determine the price of the service based on your requirements.


Plan the implementation schedule.


Start the project.


A summary of the results of the collaboration.

We are part of the PrintoCent

PrintoCent is a cluster set to boost innovation and industrialization of Printed Intelligence.
PrintoCent has a strong base in Oulu, Finland, with 500 printed intelligence experts in companies and in research in the Oulu region. PrintoCent has also a wide global reach with its 40+ international industry member companies, and other partners forming the PrintoCent Cluster. Do you need more information? Check out the PrintoCent website!

Internships and Theses

As part of Oulu University of Applied Sciences, our operating environment provides students with the opportunity to participate in research and development as part of their studies, and on the other hand, it offers our partner companies the opportunity to utilize student workforce and get to know potential future employees. The Printed Electronics Laboratory hosts several internships and theses annually.

Typically, internships and theses related to printed electronics are conducted in the fields of mechanical engineering, information technology, and laboratory/chemistry work. International students also work in the laboratory.

Do you need an internship or thesis related to printed technology for your company? If you have an idea for an internship or thesis topic, inquire about the possibilities from our crew!

Virtual tour at PrinLab.

Seminars, education, and events

We organize various training events, coaching sessions, seminars, and courses related to printed electronics. Are you planning to showcase the possibilities of printed electronics to your clients or other partners? Or do you need an expert to lecture on the topic? We are happy to help! Please inquire for more information from our staff!