Centre for Arts Innovation – Project T5
T5 Art, Science and Technology Workspace
The Centre for Arts Innovation (CAI) of Oulu University of Applied Sciences has established a preliminary investigation project ”T5 Art, Science and Technology Workspace” with support from the AKKE regional funding program of the Pohjois-Pohjanmaan Liitto (PPL). Under this project, the CAI has begun the process to develop a physical space where it can perform performance activities, present immersive installations and use installations as an environment to test and act as a S+T+ARTS (Science, Technology, and Arts) hub. In the project, suitable tenants for the center and installations in Oulu are mapped and technical features required for a testing environment are determined. As a result of the mapping and investigation work, an action plan and cost estimate for the commissioning of suitable facilities will be drawn.
The purpose of this space is to develop into a leading multidisciplinary hub connecting art and technology professionals at the national and international level. With the help of the AKKE funding, vacant premises suitable for CAI activities will be surveyed. The result of the project is 1) a survey of suitable premises, 2) an action plan, and 3) a cost estimate for renovating and equipping the premises for the centre and art installation infrastructure.
Oamk project manager: Rajeeka Hannes