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Business Incubator

Employ yourself or find out the business potential of your idea

Oamk Business Incubator helps you to utilize your competence and employ yourself or to find out the business potential of your idea. If you’re not yet our student, you can participate in Business Incubator via Open University of Applied Sciences. You can start anytime you wish. Only requirement is that you want to employ yourself. We’ll guarantee you’ll learn new and useful skills.


Business Incubator teaches you the entrepreneurial way of working. Our coaches will help you to employ yourself.

Turn yours skills into work

What is your passion? Wheter it is dancing, photography, graphic design, physical therapy or any other, we are here to help you utilize your skills and employ yourself.

Good idead into practise

Find out the viability of your business idea with our coaches. Don’t wait for tomorrow – start your entrepreneurial journey now.

Start a company

Start your own business and get a business ID. We will start your business together so that it does not interfere with your studies. You can familiarize yourself with entrepreneurship in practice and earn as if you were working part-time while studying.

Develop your own business

Do you already have a company, but the business is slow? Boost your business operations and take them to a totally new level with your coaches.

Program’s contents

Business Incubator is always tailored to the needs of your business idea. You and your coach will agree on the contents of your path in the program at the first meeting. The program can consist, for example, of some of the following elements:

Meetings with the coach

Each business idea will have its own business coach. During an arranged meeting, the coach will help you and/or your team to proceed according to the plan and to utilize modern business development tools and methods.


Our workshops are divided into different themes. During the workshops, our coaches guide you in working you on your business idea using modern tools and methods.  The workshops are in Finnish but the coaching is available also in English.


Check out the schedules for our events and participate to the ones that are in your plan.


Business Incubator is carried out as a part of your studies. Depending on your needs and work amount, the scope of the program varies from 3 to 20 credits. The studies are common to all students of Oulu University of Applied Sciences. If you’re not yet our student, you can participate in avanto via Open University of Applied Sciences. If you’re a student of University of Oulu, you can study in Avanto via cross-institutional study. In addition to earning credits, we guarantee that you’ll develop useful skills both for becoming an entrepreneur and for working life in general. Our main goal is to find out the business potential of your idea and help you learn the entrepreneurial way of working.

Apply to Business Incubator

Business Incubator studies will next be available in fall 2025. You can already fill out the form below if you are interested in starting studies then.

Fill at least fields marked with asterisk (*).

Contact information

Petri Luukkonen
Senior Lecturer
050 439 1415

"*" indicates required fields

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