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Studying at Oamk


You fill find here useful information for studying at Oamk as an exchange student. While some of the information may be useful beofre your exchange, you will find it most useful during your exchange. If you have any requests or ideas, please reach out to us at

Academic Year

Programmes & Courses

Our university offers exchange study programmes consisting of courses for studies, practical training, projects etc. Also, our traineeships usually are related to a specific course to ensure that we can arrange for the resourcing of supervision and mentoring of our trainees. Detailed programme and course schedules will only be available at the start of your exchange.

Group IDs of Programmes

Our university offers exchange study programmes in various fields. They are scheduled for each term, the autumn term (1st semester) and spring term (2nd semester). They are further divided into two teaching periods per term with a 1-week holiday between terms. 

The programmes’ group IDs are named after the main field and include a reference to the term. For example, the group ID for the business programme in the autumn term 2024 is EXK24SBUS and in the spring term 2025 it is EXK25KBUS.

You can find the group ID for each of the programmes we offer in our main fields from the further links given on this website.

Course Codes

Each of the courses offered has a basic code as well as an implementation code. For example, our Finnish Language 1: Survive! course has the the basic code YY00DU55. 

Courses are normally taught and timetabled at least once and thus will have also a specific implementation code, usually consisting of four digits after the basic code, see below. 

For example, such courses as Finnish Language 1: Survive! may be taught during our terms for several times and/or for different groups and programmes. Hence this course will also have different implementation codes: 

  • YY00DU55-3015 Finnish Language 1: Survive! (01.09.2024 – 20.12.2024) 
  • YY00DU55-3016 Finnish Language 1: Survive! (01.09.2024 – 20.12.2024) 
  • YY00DU55-3017 Finnish Language 1: Survive! (08.01.2025 – 02.05.2025) 
  • YY00DU55-3018 Finnish Language 1: Survive! (10.03.2025 – 23.05.2025) 


You can obtain programme schedules and specific timetables of your courses by means of the schedule tool. Schedules are usually available in detail only shortly before the start of a new teaching period. 

At the beginning of your exchange, we will give you detailed instructions on how to use the tool. You will also find hands-on instructions in our “Digital Starter Package”

It is very important that you know the implementation codes of the courses for your exchange, as some courses are offered only for specific groups or programmes. 

You may nevertheless search for the timetable of each of your courses according to 

  • the course name such as, for example, Finnish Language 1: Survive! 
  • the basic code of the course,  YY00DU55 in this case
  • the implementation code(s) of the course, for example, YY00DU55-3015, 3016, 3016, 3018 

Please note that not all courses for your exchange are necessarily timetabled. For example, online courses, practical training courses, project courses or courses with independent assignments may not necessarily appear in the schedule tool. 

In addition to the schedule tool, you can find out about specific course timetables etc. shortly before the beginning of the course by checking the implementation description. Please see also “Course Descriptions”.

Furthermore, our academic staff will usually inform you and other students enrolled in a course about the timetable, implementation, and other practical matters shortly before the course starts. Please see also “Course Enrolment”.

Campus Online

You can also pursue Campus Online courses as an extra option (usually max. 1 – 2 courses), if these are offered during your exchange, they can be approved by Oamk and accredited in your degree programme at your home university. Campus Online offers a selection of online courses by more than twenty Finnish universities of applied sciences. See more at “Course Enrolment” > “Additional considerations”

If you are planning or undertaking your exchange at our university, you will need to review our course descriptions to assess how they fit into your home university’s degree programme and how they may be recognised after your exchange.

Our university provides 

  • basic course descriptions under the course code, as well as 
  • detailed course descriptions under the implementation code.  

See our information on course codes by way of the Finnish Language 1: Survive! course. Please search for the descriptions of each of your courses (such as the Finnish course) according to 

  • the course name such as, for example, Finnish Language 1: Survive! 
  • the basic code of the course,  YY00DU55 in this case 
  • the implementation code(s) of the course, for example, YY00DU55-3015, 3016, 3016, 3018 

At first, browse to our “Studies”. Then find the course name and basic and implementation codes there and obtain the respective descriptions.

At the beginning of your exchange, we will provide you with detailed information on how to obtain the basic and implementation course description by the example of the Finnish Language 1: Survive! course. 

Our academic staff will provide you with more detailed information about your courses’ content, aims and methods of teaching, assignments and examinations. Please note that Oamk does not have specific end-of-semester examination periods, but teachers decide individually on the timing and nature of assessments. 

Check also our “ECTS & Assessment” page. We provide there details about university’s system of grading and credits and conversion tables.


  • At the beginning of your exchange, we will give you instructions on how to enrol for your courses in a practical information session.
  • You can find hands-on instructions in our Digital Starter Package. 
  • Use your Peppi student desktop to handle course enrolment 
  • Make sure to only enrol for courses: 
    • you’ve been admitted to for your exchange, 
    • according to your learning agreement, 
    • based on the course implementation codes (found in your learning agreement or on the study programmme/curricula website), 
    • during enrolment periods of courses: 

Enrolment period: 

  • Note that each course has specific enrolment periods which may be quite different. They are usually two weeks before the start of our terms or teaching periods. 
  • In general, you can enrol for courses
    • starting at the beginning of the term at the ouset of your exchange, 
      e.g. during orientation days 
    • starting later in the term (e.g., after mid-term), 
      by the autumn/winter vacation week. 
  • If the enrolment period has ended, contact the teacher in charge for assistance. 

Confirmation and changes: 

  • Once enrolled, course teachers confirm the enrolments in Peppi. 
  • Until confirmation, you can still unenrol from courses. 
  • After confirmation, unenrolment is no longer possible. 
  • Notify the teacher if you need to unenrol at this stage. 
  • If you wish to make changes to your courses during your exchange: 
    • To add/replace a course, confirm availability and suitability beforehand with Oamk and your home university, then update your learning agreement and course enrolment accordingly. 
    • To delete a course, confirm possibility with Oamk and your home university, then update your learning agreement and course enrolment accordingly. 

Additional considerations: 

  • Update your learning agreement always once possible course changes have been confirmed by Oamk and your home university. 
  • For courses offered by other universities (e.g. Campus Online, max. 1-2 courses), first get approval from Oamk and your home university by means of updating your learning agreement. You need to make sure that the Campus Online course can be accredited at your home university and at Oamk so that it appears on your transcript after your exchange. Once you have received approval or you are sure that it will be approved:
    • Enrol for the Campus Online course via Oamk’s Peppi. This is possible for most Campus Online courses. If you enrol via Oamk’s Peppi, the course will automatically be accredited by Oamk and will appear on your transcript after your exchange.
    • If you cannot enrol for the Campus Online course via Oamk’s Peppi, enrol via the link provided under the Campus Online course. If you encounter problems (your personal identity code may be required), contact directly the university offering the course for an alternative. For accreditation at Oamk, contact your academic coordinator and our services.
  • Extra-curricular activities and courses outside universities are not accredited by Oamk for exchange students. 

Feedback & Evaluation

We encourage you to provide feedback instantly and directly to our staff. Be pro-active and reflect on your mobility and learning experience in a constructive way at all times and in circumspect ways. 

In addition, we organise meetings and events at various times where you can ask questions and have interactive evaluation activities.

If you are coming for any of our health and social care, music and dance exchange study programmes, you will also take part in a compulsory course for your international mobility orientation and reflection. 

ECTS & Assessment

The Finnish credit system has been updated to comply with the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) so that the Finnish credits are equivalent to the ECTS credits. 

ECTS credits are a value allocated to course units to describe the student workload required to complete them. They reflect the quantity of work each course requires in relation to the total quantity of work required to complete a full academic year, including lectures, practical training, seminars, independent studies, examinations and other assessment and learning activities. 

In ECTS 60 credits represent one (1) year of study in terms of the regular semester workload. ECTS credits are allocated to courses and are awarded to students who successfully complete those courses. 

This table shows how ECTS grades are applied to the grading system of Oamk: 

Oamk grade ECTS grade 
5 excellent 
4 very good 
3 good 
2 satisfactory 
1 sufficient 
0 fail F or FX 

Some study attainments can also be assessed on the grading scale pass/fail or approved/failed, see more in our “Assessment” section below. 

Oamk’s curricula are competence-based and the learning objectives, content, ECTS cr scope or workload, teaching and evaluation methods for courses are defined in the course descriptions.

The assessment of exchange students and trainees is based on our assessment procedure for degree students. The assessment or grading scale cannot normally be changed by the course teacher – it is either numerical or verbal:

  • Numerical:
    Assessment is given according to the grading scale from O (fail) to 5 (excellent). Competence levels are indicated in the course descriptions with reference to numerical grades. Oamk’s numerical grades are not based on statistical distribution, but grades can be converted into ECTS grades as mentioned in the ECTS table above or in the lower part of Oamk’s transcript of records. Please check Oamk’s assessment procedure for each course from the course description.
  • Verbal:
    Assessment is pass/fail or approved/failed. A verbal pass (‘P’ in the transcript of records, ‘H’ in Peppi) means that you have achieved the learning objectives and the specified competence level(s) or competences of the course. Therefore, an Oamk verbal pass should not be interpreted as merely the lowest possible pass grade. Normally, pass marks cannot be converted into grades. If you are taking a course with a pass grade (‘P’), you should also document your coursework yourself so that it can be more easily recognised at your home university.

Completion time of assessment

Oamk’s academic staff have three (3) weeks (excluding holidays) to complete the assessment and add the results to Oamk’s system (Peppi) once you (students/trainees) have completed all learning tasks. 

Scope and workload examples 

ECTS credits represent learning based on defined learning outcomes and their associated workload, 1 ECTS cr = 27 hours of work. 

For studies, the work hours consist of the working time a student spends in contact teaching as well as for independent and joint learning activities in Oamk’s courses, laboratories, projects, art productions, events etc., including also short breaks, meetings as well as preparation and reflection assignments, plans, reports and evaluation tasks etc. 
For traineeships and practical training, 1 week is counted at Oamk consisting of 40 work hours, i.e. 40/27 = approx. 1,5 ECTS cr/week. The work hours consist of the working time a student spends in a traineeship or practical training setting at/via Oamk, including also short breaks, meetings as well as preparation and reflection assignments, plans, reports and evaluation tasks etc. A traineeship or practical training is always supervised and/or mentored by Oamk’s staff.  The work hours and methods can be agreed in more detail in the traineeship agreement: 

  • 2 weeks = 3 ECTS cr 
  • 3 weeks = 5 ECTS cr 
  • 4 weeks = 6 ECTS cr 
  • 5 weeks = 8 ECTS cr 
  • 6 weeks = 9 ECTS cr 
  • 7 weeks = 10 ECTS cr 
  • 8 weeks = 12 ECTS cr 
  • 9 weeks = 14 ECTS cr 
  • 10 weeks = 15 ECTS cr 
  • 12 weeks = 18 ECTS cr 

Digital Starter Package

We have designed our Digital Starter Package to help you to efficiently use all available ICT services & tools for your exchange at Oamk. Please pursue the course in Moodle right at the outset of your exchange by following our instructions. 

Participation is mandatory for exchange students in music, dance, health and social care, as it is part of the course OY00CZ64 International Mobility Orientation and Reflection (3 ECTS cr). We highly recommend it to everyone.

  1. Log in to Moodle, the course “Exchange: Digital Starter Package 2024 – 2025” (via Kirjaudu/Login). Please use your Oamk username before @ and your password.
    Find the course by name, or copy/paste the direct course link into your browser 
  2. Enrol in the course as a “Student” with the enrolment key “EXCHANGE” 
    (no enrolment required via the Peppi student desktop for this Moodle course!) 
  3. Start with the course intro and the tasks in the sections. 
    Each section takes approx. 10 mins. 
  4. For help, check Moodle guide and Moodle student’s guide (enrolment key “student”)
  5. Give feedback