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Kaksi miestä mustissa vaatteissa korjaa traktoria laboratoriossa.

Research and Development of Autonomous Work Machines

Energy efficiency and low carbon footprint have emerged as crucial competitive factors. Soon, combustion engines and hydraulic power transmission solutions, which rely on fossil fuels in machinery, will be replaced by more energy-efficient electric and hybrid technologies. Competition, rapidly tightening emission standards, and customers' environmental awareness ensure swift progress in the industry.

Towards energy-efficient, zero-emission, autonomous utility vehicles

At Oulu University of Applied Sciences, we research and develop zero-emission, autonomous work machines. We explore ways to replace traditional combustion engines, which rely on fossil fuels, with more environmentally friendly alternatives such as electric and hydrogen-powered propulsion systems.

Simultaneously, we investigate methods to further improve the energy efficiency of these devices, for example, by enhancing their autonomy. Autonomy refers to the vehicle’s ability to operate without a driver.

Our most significant projects

kuorma-auto ajaa maantiellä
1.8.2024 – 31.7.2027 / Engineering and Engineering Trades

The goal of the project is to map an energy-efficient…

NUVE-LABin valvomotilaa
1.1.2024 – 31.12.2025 / Engineering and Engineering Trades

Oulu University of Applied Sciences (Oamk) is developing rapid methods…

Yleiskuvaa NUVE-LABissa
1.1.2023 – 31.12.2023

PWR ON project will integrate a battery/fuel cell simulator into…

Oamkin NUVE-LABin valvomotilassa kaksi miestä työskentelemässä ruutujen äärellä, joissa näkyy kuvaa laboratoriotilassa olevasta työkoneesta sekä sen digitaalisesta kaksosesta.
1.1.2023 – 31.12.2024 / Engineering and Engineering Trades

The AutoWork project aims to establish capabilities to support the…

Kuvassa kolme miestä tarkastelee laitteita NUVE-LAB-tutkimusympäristössä
1.1.2023 – 31.12.2025 / Engineering and Engineering Trades

The GO! RI project aims to enhance capabilities to support…

Työkone kiinni NUVE-LABin laitteissa
1.1.2023 – 31.12.2025 / Engineering and Engineering Trades

In the Arctic region, there are several crucial value chains…

Our experts

The email addresses are in the format Get in touch!

Jukka Säkkinen
Development manager
+358 (0)50 5957951

Timo Niinikoski
Project manager
+358 (0)50 4419276

Pekka Seppänen
Project manager
+358 (0)50 5236668

Aki Lamponen
Expert, modeling
+358 (0)50 5235507

Petri Junttila
Project manager
+358 (0)40 6713858

Aparajita Tripathy
Researcher (ViL, real-time simulation)
+358 (0)50 4317725

Matti Huotari
Project planning officer
+358 (0)50 5697293

Ilkka Salmi
Expert, modeling
+358 (0)50 4077895

Kalle Nuortimo
Project manager, researcher (data-analytics)
+358 (0)50 4088893

Electrification and autonomy promote the green transition

The development of mobile work machines and utility vehicles is guided by the goal of zero emissions and increasing autonomy. Climate change has led to a development path where traditional internal combustion engines are replaced by environmentally sustainable power sources (e.g., biogas, hydrogen, electricity, biodiesel, and their hybrid models). Achieving this green transition requires intensive research and the development of new power sources, storage, and powertrain concepts.

Electric powertrains are an energy-efficient alternative to replace traditional hydrostatic and hydrodynamic transmissions in heavy-duty work machines. Electric systems improve machine maneuverability and control precision, enabling the development of autonomous work machines. Autonomy also supports carbon neutrality goals, as machine movement can be not only controlled but also optimized for greater energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness using data.

Hymyilevä työmies NUVE-LABissa

We have a state-of-the-art research and development environment called NUVE-LAB

NUVE-LAB research and development environment offers research, development, and testing opportunities for passenger cars to heavy-duty commercial vehicles. Our modern laboratory helps in developing vehicles that meet the future market demands.

Explore the NUVE-LAB environment!

We serve the northern industry

In Northern Sweden, Norway, and Finland, forestry, agriculture, mining, and logistics are key industries that provide job opportunities and regional economic growth. These industries require heavy vehicles in various stages of their processes, such as harvesting, loading, transportation, plowing, and seeding, and they need to continuously improve their economic, ecological, and social sustainability to remain competitive.

At Oamk, research and development work in the field deepen knowledge and increase capacity for the application of new technology in the field of work machine technology. At the same time, we develop a network of collaboration within the industry. We help companies develop cutting-edge technology in our unique laboratory.

Read more about how we help industries reduce their carbon footprint from the NUVE-LAB laboratory’s page.