My personal development plan as a teacher
At the end of your teacher studies, you will create a personal development plan in which you will consider the development needs of your own competence and examine the guidelines for education in your field and the future. The purpose of the development plan is to make visible your goal-oriented, continuous development as a teacher even after your studies. The starting point for creating the development plan is the self-assessments you have made during your studies and reflecting on your own competence.

The development plan consists of two parts. First, you create a personal development plan (Devplan) that you return to your tutor. Second, you prepare to discuss your own development plan at the Devplan event.
You create a plan for your own professional development for the future. In the development plan, you will examine your current competence in relation to the competence required in the teacher’s work. You do a final self-evaluation of your competences and evaluate your progress by comparing your answers to the final self-evaluation with your previous self-evaluations (initial and mid-term). You can find the link to the questionnaire of final self-evaluation of competence from Ossi. You also describe how or by what means you will develop your skills in the future. You make a development plan for yourself. Return your plan to your tutor before the Devplan event.
In your development plan, you can cover topics such as:
- How has your professional pedagogy developed during your studies? You can view the development of your competence in relation to the competence goals of the teacher’s pedagogical studies.
- What is your personal theory-in-use related to teaching and guidance? How do your professional pedagogy principles appear when designing, implementing guidance and teaching, and evaluating learning and competence?
- How will education in your field develop in the future?
- What kind of future competence needs do you foresee in the work of a teacher in your field?
- How do you intend to maintain and develop your own expertise as a professional teacher in the future?
- What will the trends and competence requirements of future working life look like in your field?
A development plan event is a learning experience in which you motivate and inspire others to discuss the meaningful insights you have experienced with you about teaching. Prepare for the event so that in your turn you will discuss one or two themes, observations or core ideas of your development that you feel will be of benefit to others. You can reveal your “competence leaps” or envision the future of your teaching.
Try to make your presentation as interactive as possible. In your turn, you will lead the discussion, panel, exchange of ideas and dialogue. Your presentation may include elements such as drama, photo exhibition, oral narrative, video, poetry, etc. The whole presentation may last 30 minutes, which includes working on your own theme for max. 20 minutes and then feedback discussion for approximately ten minutes. If necessary, you can get more detailed instructions from your tutor.
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Kilja, P. & Mäntykangas U. 2024. Ammatillisten opettajien työ muutoksessa. Oamk Journal. Viitattu 21.8.2024.
Kilja, P. & Mäntykangas U. 2024. Ammatillisen opettajan menestyksen avaimet: jatkuva ja kestävä oppiminen. Oamk Journal. Viitattu 21.8.2024.
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Raudasoja, A. (toim.) 2021. Ammatilliset opettajat tulevaisuuden rakentajana. Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu. E-julkaisu. Viitattu 5.4.2024: