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Professional teacher training can be completed flexibly throughout the year. The certificate is electronic and the certificate application is made at Peppi. The electronic certificate can be downloaded within three weeks of sending the application. 

The electronic certificate with its attachments (study credits and Certificate Supplement) is an official certificate that we deliver only once. The official certificate should be downloaded to a location where it will not be easily lost or fall into the wrong hands. It is not possible to get a new original certificate later. 

After graduation, you have completed the teacher’s pedagogical studies, 60 credits, required for the position and work of a teacher in Finland in accordance with the Act on Universities of Applied Sciences (932/2014, § 8).  

A professional teacher education certificate is not a degree certificate, but a certificate of educational attained and qualifications obtained.

Applying for Certificate 

You can apply for the certificate when all of your studies have been evaluated and your study results have been recorded in Peppi. Please do not complete the certificate application before it! 

  • Check the correctness of your name (first names and last name) and contact information in Peppi. The certificate is issued with the name as it stands in Peppi. Also check that your personal e-mail address is up to date in Peppi. The certificate will be sent to your personal email. 
  • Check that all credits have been recorded in Peppi and, if necessary, contact your tutor if you notice any deficiencies. 
  • Apply for the certificate in Peppi under the AMOK menu (Amok certificate application). 
  • You can enter a weekday as the completion date, and it can be the date of submission of the application at the earliest. The completion date cannot be backdated. If the date you submitted is not accepted as the date of the certificate, you will be contacted. 
  • Once you have submitted your application, it will be checked and a notification of acceptance will be sent to your student email. Once approved, a certificate will be issued, signed by the Director of the School of Professional Teacher Education, and a link to download the certificate will be sent to your personal email. The certificate will take 1-3 weeks to process.
  • Download the certificate as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days after you receive the message that your certificate has been completed. 

The processing time for a certificate application is a maximum of three weeks, except for the following periods: 21.6.–31.7. and 22.12.–6.1. 

Contact if necessary: 

You can apply for the certificate when all of your studies have been evaluated and your study results have been recorded in Peppi. Please do not complete the certificate application before it! 

Electronic Certificate 

The electronic certificate is authentic and original. It can be submitted as an attachment to the authorities or the employer. You don’t need to prove it separately. You can make copies of the file. Each unedited, saved copy is an official diploma with an electronic signature preserved. You can check the authenticity of the certificate online.

An electronic certificate is reliable, because it is considerably more difficult to forge than a paper certificate. If the certificate is modified after signing, the electronic certificate, i.e. the signature, is broken, and the certificate is no longer authentic. The electronic certificate should therefore never be opened in editing mode in Word, for example, because the electronic certificate will break immediately. When you download an electronic certificate, it is automatically included as attachments 

  • Certificate in English 
  • Transcript in Finnish and English 
  • Certificate Supplement 

The electronic certificate should be uploaded to a location where it will not be easily lost or fall into the wrong hands. You can download the certificate to your own files, for example to a cloud service, computer, external hard drive or memory stick. It is recommended to save the certificate in several secure locations so that there will always be an existing backup. 

An electronic certificate is a document approved at the EU level, which complies with EU standards and is classified with the highest EU security classification. 

If the electronic certificate you downloaded is lost, a certificate corresponding to the original will be charged. Send a request for it to 

Costs for copies of certificates and transcripts

An original certificate is free of charge to a graduating student. If you need a copy of the certificate later, you will only receive it in the same format, either electronically or on paper.