Study Exchange
Exchange programmes
Studies and practical training are realised mostly within the European Union Erasmus+ programme to EU- or EEA-countries. Erasmus+ enables you 12 months of studying and / or practical training in the programme countries. Thus, you can study and do a practical training in Europe or just purely study or do a practical training. For a Bachelor’s – level you have 12 months and in case you continue your studies, you get another 12 months to Master’s level.
Oamk has a study field related Erasmus+ student mobility agreements all over Europe. For the exchanges to Switzerland there is an own SEMP- grant and north2north – programme opens up possibilties to study in the Nordic countries. Oamk pays own grant for those European exchanges which for one reason or another are not amongst those previously mentioned programmes. Usually, exchanges last for 1 semester or the whole academic year, but there are also shorter exchanges (please see more from Short-term study exchanges in and outside Europe)
Oamk has over twenty bilateral exchange agreements with universities outside Europe, in over ten different countries. Additionally, we actively participate in the north2north programme, which opens exchanges opportunities to for example Canada and the United States. These non-European student exchanges are also known as bilateral study exchanges or Oamk overseas exchanges.
The typical lenght of an overseas exchange is one semester or an entire academic year, also short-term opportunities i.e. summer/ winter schools are available. For more details, study the section on short-term exchanges.
If your life situation prevents you from going abroad for longer period of time, you may have a possibility to go for a shorter exchange within the Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP). These short-term courses are annually arranged in various places in Europe. BIP-exchanges contain a virtual part and a physical student mobility of 5–30 days in an organising partner institution. BIP-courses are marketed by degree programmes, when possibilities are open.
Oamk partner institutions are offering also different shorter intensive programmes with own grants. The application process depends always on the course and institution offering the course and there are no set deadlines for these intensive programmes. The instructions on how to apply for these will always be informed on case-by-case basis. These are also marketed by email, in case suitable courses are offered.
If you apply to a higher education institution, which does not have a student mobility agreement with Oamk, you are applying to a so called freemover exchange. The first thing you should do is to contact the international office of the institution you are interested in and ask for the freemover exchange possibilities. When you are looking at the contact information, you can use search words such international services/ international office/incoming exchange students.
When you contact them, please let them know that you are studying at Oamk and Oamk does not have a student mobility agreement with that institution. If they do offer you this possibility, make sure to find out their application procedure and deadline and also find out if you have to pay a tuition fee. In some institutions freemover – exchange is possible, but very often includes a tuition fee. Keep also in mind that you need an acceptance from your head of studies to the freemover exchange, so that the studies can be accredited to your Oamk degree and you can apply for the grant from Oamk.
Exchange destinations
Most of the Oamk partner insitutions are universities of applied sciences, but there are also some universities amongst the partners. In most of them you can study, but in some, you are able to do a practical training.
You can find the destinations of your study field from Oamk exchange destination database. Start by reading the instructions (a link from a phrase “in the Instructions on using the exchange destination database”).
Oamk has partner universities where Master’s degree students can choose studies from the master’s level. In social work, there are 4 partner institutions: Fachhochschule St. Pölten Austria, Hoschschule Furtwangen Germany, Karel de Grote -University College Belgium, and Hochshule Emden-Leer Germany.
In business, the master’s level studies are offered in Hochschule Joanneum Belgium, Grenoble INP Institute of Engineering and Management France, Cologne Business School Germany and Hochschule Neu-Ulm Germany.
ICT has one master’s level agreement with Hochschule Neu-Ulm Germany.
If there is no master’s level studies student mobility agreement, the possibility must be asked into on a case-by-case basis. Otherwise, same application times, amount of grants, and other principles concern Master’s exchanges than with Bachelor’s level study exchanges.
Double degrees
In a double degree (DD) programme, your first and second year of studies are at Oamk, and in the third year, you study in a partner university, returning to Oamk to complete your degree. There are DD-agreements in the fields of business information systems, information technology, mechanical engineering and business. In practice, students will apply for a study exchange to a DD-partner institution and do the studies agreed on in advance. When all the studies at Oamk and in partner institution have been successfully completed, you will get a diploma from both institutions.
Students can do a double degree in Germany, in Technische Hochschule Ulm and in the Netherlands, Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen. These programmes last for one academic year and are 60 (ECTS) credits.
The double degree at Ulm is aimed at students specialising in production technology. The autumn semester is studied at Ulm, and the spring semester consists of a 100-day practical training at a company in the region. Students who go to Germany for their double degree will graduate from Oulu UAS as a Bachelor of Engineering and receive the German Bachelor of Engineering degree (BEng) in Production Engineering and Organisation diploma for the same studies..
The double degree at Hanze is aimed at students specialising in machine automation engineering. The autumn semester consists of vocational studies, and the spring semester consists of studies and a project commissioned by a company at Hanze’s premises. Those who studied in the Netherlands will graduate from Oamk as a Bachelor of Engineering and receive the Dutch Bachelor of Science (BSc) Degree in Mechanical Engineering diploma for the same studies.
For more information: Elina Bergroth, Timo Väyrynen
Students in the business (LIK) and international business (DIB) degree programmes may undertake a double degree at Hochschule Neu-Ulm in Germany. In the double degree programme you complete 2 semesters in Germany (60 ECTS), and addition to that, you write your Bachelor’s thesis mainly as a distant studying (15 ECTS) under a supervision of a German professor. The programme will be on the 3rd study year and you need to have completed 2 years of Oamk studies prior the double degree.
For more information: Sanna Rönkkö
Students in the business information systems degree programme (TIK) can apply for a double degree opportunity at Hochschule Neu-Ulm in Germany. The programme’s duration is one academic year, and it is worth 60 credits. The programme will be on the 3rd study year and you need to have completed 2 years of Oamk studies prior the double degree.
Students who complete their double degree studies at Neu-Ulm will graduate from Oamk as a Bachelor of Business Administration and receive the German Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) diploma for the same studies.
For more information: Tuula Harju
Students in the information technology have two DD possibilties, one in Ireland and one in Germany.
In Irland, Technologial University of Dublin, you may do their dual degree lasting for one academic year. Students who complete their double degree studies at Dublin will graduate from Oamk as a Bachelor of Engineering and receive an Irish Bachelor of Science (Ordinary Level) – degree for the same studies.
In Germany, Hochschule Neu-Ulm, you may do a double degree lasting for one academic year. Students who complete their double degree studies at Germany will graduate from Oamk as a Bachelor of Engineering and receive a German Bachelor of Science degree for the same studies.
For more information: Kaisa Orajärvi
Planning your study exchange
You should start planning your exchange well in advance, because the application times are mainly one year before the actual exchange. Please do consult your own degree programme staff when it would be the best timing for you to go abroad (for example is it the autumn term of your second year, or the spring term, or later on your studies).
Then you need to get to know the exchange destinations and the studies they offer of your own study field from www-pages of the partner institutions. There are links to these pages at Oamk’s destination database. Please note that there might be some of the partner institution’s own restrictions or requirements (for example a certain amount of credits prior the exchange, requirements on language skill level, or some prerequisites for courses). There might be also some requirements from your own degree programme so always make sure to take them into consideration. Exchange may enrich your degree and you may be able to study there courses which Oamk does not offer you. Keep in mind that all the studies you select to do at the partner institution must be accepted and accredited to your Oamk degree. You also need to complete 30 (ECTS) credits per semester (but at least 5 cr/month). When planning your studies, consult your head of studies on those.
When you select your destination, have a look at their academic calendar and from there, the starting and ending dates of semesters. These are the dates you need to follow. You cannot decide yourself on the timing you will stay abroad, but always follow the academic calendar of the partner institution. It is also advisable to check their accommodation arrangements. They may have dormitories or if they do not, then you know that you need to get accommodation from private market. You will pay your own flights and living at the destination, so it is recommended that you already are aware of your planning stage how much are these compulsory costs.
It requires a lot of work from many people to organise your exchange thus your dedication to the process is very important. Cancelling one’s exchange is very unfortunate for all parties, and therefore we have a cancellation fee. Cancellation fee terms are the following:
- Illness, pregnancy or military service are valid reasons to cancel exchange, so no cancellation fee is charged in these situations.
- If the exchange is canceled on behalf of the host institution or Oamk, no cancellation fee is charged.
- The cancellation fee will be charged if you don’t give a reason for canceling your exchange or if you don’t inform us about the cancellation at all.
- When you go abroad for the autumn term or for the whole academic year and cancel your exchange after 1.6 (1st June, current year) without a valid reason, we will charge you a €200 exchange cancellation fee.
- When you go abroad for the spring term and cancel your exchange after 1.11 (1st November, current year) without a valid reason, we will charge you a €200 exchange cancellation fee.
In case you are planning to cancel your exchange and as soon as you have made that decision, please inform about it. If you have already been nominated to your host institution or applied to your host institution, inform them about the cancellation as well. The final decision on whether the cancellation fee will be charged is made and the fee collected by Oamk.
Applying to study exchange
Applications for Oamk’s exchange destinations must be submitted during official yearly application period. The exchange application process is two-phased. The first phase is Oamk’s internal application, which takes place through Oamk exchange application portal, MoveON.
After, the degree programmes makes the selection of the students who will go on exchange. The second phase is the application to the host institution, which is carried out with the students selected in the first phase. The final decision on the student’s acceptance is always made by the host institution. Before applying, discuss your plans with the person responsible for exchange matters in your degree programme. Remember that you must have completed at least one year of studies (approximately 30 ECTS per semester/ 60 ECTS per academic year) or the number of credits required by your exchange program (for example, at least two years of studies for double degrees) before your exchange begins.
Each of Oamk’s exchange opportunities has its own official application period. Applications for exchanges are always submitted in the previous academic year (excluding additional application round/s).
Main application for destinations outside Europe: The first three weeks of November. This applies to Oamk’s bilateral exchange destinations and north2north destinations in Canada, the United States, and other non-European countries. Applications for destinations outside Europe are only once a year in November.
Main application for music students/European destinations for the next academic year: January.
Main application for European destinations: February. This applies to study and practical training at Oamk’s Erasmus+ partner universities in Europe, studies at SEMP partner universities in Switzerland, and north2north network destinations in the Nordic countries.
Supplementary application round for European destinations for the next spring semester: September. Places that were not filled in the main application.
The application calls for each application round are published in the Open Applications section. Applications submitted outside the application periods are not accepted. An exception to the application periods is the grants for self- acquired practical training, which are continuously open for application. You can read more about internship grants in the practical training section of this page.
There are no application periods currently open for study exchange.
Grants for study exchange
Long-term study exchange to Europe
The grant amount for study exchange in a European partner university depends on the exchange programme. The exchange programmes are Erasmus+, north2north and SEMP.
In Erasmus+ programme the countries are divided into two groups. The destination country and length determine the exact amount of your grant. Daily grant is paid for the days beyond full calendar months.
Country group | grant (€/month) | (€ /day) |
Group 1 Austria, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom | 540 € | 18 € |
Group 2 Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey | 490 € | 16,33 € |
On top of the monthly grant each participant is paid a travel grant based on the distance. The distance is calculated as straight line distance between Oulu and the exchange destination, using the Erasmus+ distance calculator.
Travel grant based on different distances
Distance (km) | Travel grant (€) |
10 – 99 | 28 |
100 – 499 | 211 |
500 – 1999 | 309 |
2000 – 2999 | 395 |
3000 – 3999 | 580 |
Green travel support
You are able to receive extra support for green travel, if you travel to at least 50% of the actual distance to and from between Oulu and the destination with environmentally friendly means. The enviromentally friendly travel means in the Erasmus+ programme are bicycle, bus, train or carpooling. Ships are not considered an environmentally friendly means of travel. From academic year 2024/25 onwards the green travel support is higher than regular travel support and you can also get Erasmus+ grant for up to 6 travel days. Only actual travel days are eligible for the grant.
Distance (km) | Green travel grant (€) |
10–99 | 56 |
100–499 | 285 |
500–1999 | 417 |
2000–2999 | 535 |
3000–3999 | 785 |
Fewer opportunities top up
Students who have less opportunities to participate in international mobility can apply for extra support from the Erasmus+ programme (250 € / month). If you belong to one of the following groups, contact for more information:
- have family (underage children)
- are a family carer
- have disabilities
- have received international protection or
- suffer from a severe or chronic health condition
If the need for extra support exceeds the top up amount, you can also apply for Special Needs and Inclusion Grant based on the real extra costs. More information from
Study exchange in the Nordic countries 1500 € (one semester exchange)
For north2north exchange you can also apply for Special Needs and Inclusion Grant based on real costs (for example to cover extra costs furing exchange caused by a health problem or children). More information from
Students going to Switzerland for exchange may be eligible for a SEMP grant from the receiving institution. More information from
Self-acquired study exchanges the grant is the same as for Erasmus+ exchanges.
Long-term study exchange outside Europe
Grant for study exchange in a partner institution outside of Europe is 2200 € (one semester exchange) or 3000€ (full academic year exchange)
Some study exchanges to partner institutions outside of Europe may be eligible for Erasmus+ funding. The Erasmus+ funding for study exchange outside of Europe is 700 € / month (23,33 € / day) and travel support based on distance. Your exchange coordinator will inform you, if your exchange is eligible for Erasmus+ grant.
North2north grant for study exchange in North America is 2000 € (one semester exchange)
For north2north exchange you can also apply for Special Needs and Inclusion Grant based on real costs (for example to cover extra costs during exchange caused by a health problem or children). More information from
Grant for freemover (self-acquired) exchange is 1500 € (semester or full academic year)
Short-term study exchange
In all short exchanges you must earn a minimum of three credits for exchange between 5 days-1 month or five credits / month for exchanges between 1-2 months
Erasmus+ grant for short term blended mobilities is paid for the physical duration of your exchange and two travel days. The grant is 79 € / day (days 1-14) and 56 € / day (days 15-30).
On top of the monthly grant each participant is paid a travel grant based on the distance. The distance is calculated as straight line distance between Oulu and the exchange destination, using the Erasmus+ distance calculator.
Travel grant based on different distances
Distance (km) | Travel grant (€) |
10 – 99 | 28 |
100 – 499 | 211 |
500 – 1999 | 309 |
2000 – 2999 | 395 |
3000 – 3999 | 580 |
Green travel support
You are able to receive extra support for green travel, if you travel to at least 50% of the actual distance to and from between Oulu and the destination with environmentally friendly means. The enviromentally friendly travel means in the Erasmus+ programme are bicycle, bus, train or carpooling. Ships are not considered an environmentally friendly means of travel. If you decide to travel green, you can also get Erasmus+ grant for up to 6 travel days. Only actual travel days are eligible for the grant.
Distance (km) | Green travel grant (€) |
10–99 | 56 |
100–499 | 285 |
500–1999 | 417 |
2000–2999 | 535 |
3000–3999 | 785 |
Students who have less opportunities to participate in international mobility can apply for extra support from the Erasmus+ programme. For short term mobility the Fewer Opportunities top up is 100 € for exchanges between 5-14 days and 150 € for exchanges between 15-30 days. If you belong to one of the following groups, contact for more information:
- have family (underage children)
- are a family carer
- have disabilities
- have received international protection or
- suffer from a severe or chronic health condition
If the need for extra support exceeds the top up amount, you can also apply for Special Needs and Inclusion Grant based on the real extra costs. More information from
The grant for short term exchange to Europe (non Erasmus+) is 150 € / week. Note that the maximum grant amount for short term exchange to Europe is 750 €. Short exchange grants are granted mainly to exchanges to Oamk’s partner institutions.
The grant for short term exchange outside of Europe is 200 € / week. Note that the maximum grant amount for short-term exchange outside Europe is 1000 €. Short exchange grants are granted mainly for exchanges to Oamk’s partner institutions.