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Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing, full-time studies

Name of the Qualification

Bachelor of Health Care

Degree Title

Bachelor of Health Care

Scope of Degree

210 ECTS cr / 3,5 years

Name of the Degree Programme

Degree Programme in Nursing

Number of Starting Places


Implementation of Studies

The studies are implemented face-to-face, virtually or in a hybrid format using state-of-the-art and latest digital facilities. This includes independent work and group studies. Studying requires attendance both in virtual learning platforms and in contact teaching situations, especially in simulation, clinical skills laboratories and other practices requiring hands-on learning. There is an internship at all stages of the study period. Most of the practical trainings are done around Finland. You also have the possibilities to go abroad for exchange studies.


Kontinkangas campus, Kiviharjuntie 4, FI-90220

Application Period

January 3-17 2024

Selection Criteria

Application 3-17 January 2024

The student selection is made solely based on the selection method 1, International University of Applied Sciences Exam.


International University of Applied Sciences Exam: 22 study places

The entrance examination assesses the applicants’ abilities to study in universities of applied sciences. The entrance examination does not contain any pre-reading materials or pre-tasks.

Applicants attending to International UAS exam are required to give a proof of English language skills beforehand. You can find the approved methods here.

More information about International UAS Exam is available at the national website UASinfo.

Required knowledge in Finnish language

Oulu University of Applied Sciences requires all selected students to have minimum A2 level knowledge in Finnish language. Separate language test is organised in March 2024. All applicants whose Finnish language skills cannot be confirmed beforehand based on the information given in the online application, are invited to take the test. The separate language test is organised online.

More information regarding national UAS exam is available at the national website of UASinfo.

 Information on how to apply to Bachelor’s degree is available here.

Contact information

Further information about application and selection criteria

Admission Services
(service available in English)
Tel. +358 29 448 9001

Further information about studying and study contents

Cubelo Floro
Head of Studies, Senior Lecturer, Health Sector
050 4410437