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Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing, full-time studies

Name of the Qualification

Bachelor of Health Care

Degree Title

Bachelor of Health Care

Scope of Degree

210 ECTS cr / 3,5 years

Name of the Degree Programme

Degree Programme in Nursing

Number of Starting Places


Implementation of Studies

The studies are conducted face-to-face, virtually or in a hybrid format using state-of-the-art and latest digital facilities. This includes independent work and group studies. Attendance is required in both virtual learning platforms and in-person teaching sessions, especially for simulations, clinical skills laboratories, and other hands-on learning practices. Internships are integrated throughout the study period, with most clinical practicums taking place in Finland, though there are opportunities to go abroad for exchange studies.


Kontinkangas campus, Kiviharjuntie 4, FI-90220

Application PeriodJanuary 8-22 2025
OtherHealth and functional capacity required for studies. More information at UAS info website.

Selection Criteria

The student selection is made solely based on the selection method 1, International University of Applied Sciences Exam in degree programme in Nursing in Finnish joint application in January 8-22 2025.

International University of Applied Sciences Exam: 22 study places

The entrance examination assesses the applicants’ abilities to study in universities of applied sciences. The entrance examination does not contain any pre-reading materials or pre-tasks.

More information about International UAS Exam is available at the national website UASinfo.

Language requirement

Applicants applying with International UAS exam or in certificate based selection are required to give a proof of their English language skills beforehand. More information regarding the language requirements is available at the website of

Contact information

Further information about application and selection criteria

Admission Services
(service available in English)

Further information about studying and study contents

Lastumäki Outi (18 December 2024 – 31 March 2025)
Senior Lecturer
+358 40 352 8332

Cubelo Floro (From 1 April 2025)
Head of Studies, Senior Lecturer
+358 50 441 0437

Karttunen Markus
Manager, Health Education
+358 50 594 7881