Skilled workforce in the social and health care sector, changing skill needs (OSMU)
1 January 2020 - 31 May 2023
Health and Welfare

The expertise of nursing professionals is key to the quality of patient care, patient safety, and the effectiveness of treatments. It also impacts access to care, the smooth operation of services, customer-centricity, and the overall cost of care.
The OSMU project is developing a model for competence development that can swiftly respond to the needs of the workplace, utilizing the skills required throughout the care chain in collaboration with educational institutions for everyone’s benefit.
In the project, Oulu University of Applied Sciences, the University of Oulu, and the Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District (PPSHP) are jointly developing the skills needed in the healthcare sector for demanding healthcare professionals, teachers, and leaders, as well as competence management.
The project enhances the exchange of information between universities and primary and specialized healthcare units, strengthening connections between research, education, patient work, and the business sector. Healthcare service organizations and universities gain new information on the future skills needed in selected healthcare specialties. A high-quality competence development model and increased connection to the workplace improve the quality of education to better meet workplace demands.
As a pilot, the care pathway for a person suffering from cerebrovascular disorders
The project aims to develop the network-like operation of universities and service organizations. According to the proposals of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (2020), the competence of these professionals should be systematically and persistently developed through competence management and knowledge management. The project is funded by the European Social Fund (ESF).
The competence management model is intended to be spread and rooted not only in the care of cerebrovascular disorders but also in other competence centers. Through the development of this model, the advancement of demanding healthcare professionals’ competence and competence management progresses through cooperation between universities and service organizations.
The purpose of the project is to develop a competence development model for demanding healthcare professionals such as nurses, occupational therapists, and physiotherapists in the Northern Ostrobothnia healthcare production area. The project will assess and map the competence needs and the current state and challenges of competence management.
Information on the level of competence management of supervisors and teaching staff
The project provides information on the level of competence management of supervisors and teaching staff and potential areas for improvement, and based on these, a competence management model will be developed.
Following the survey, the project will design and implement competence-strengthening training and workshops and build a concrete model for competence development. The model is being built in cooperation between universities and the working life in the Oulu area.
The project is a collaboration between Oulu University of Applied Sciences, the University of Oulu, and the Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District
Oamk and the University of Oulu are responsible for developing the quality of work-oriented higher education so that universities can flexibly meet current and future workplace competence needs and thus create attractive and high-quality education programs. PPSHP plays a significant role as a trainer of specialized healthcare professionals and a developer of ongoing competence.
The City of Oulu and Oulunkaari are functional partners in the project
The city of Oulu and Oulunkaari are committed to acting as experts in promoting health and well-being and in social and primary healthcare in identifying competence needs and training. Such cooperation creates opportunities to enhance the attractiveness of the social and health care sector and to keep experts in the field.