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ihmisen ja robotin kädet kohtaavat


1.10.2022 - 30.9.2025

Information and Communication Technologies

Oulu University of Applied Sciences’ Arctic Drone Labs research group is involved in the Robocoast European Digital Innovation Hub, whose mission is to provide services for companies to implement digital transition.

Through the services of Robocoast EDIH, businesses can leverage the expertise and RDI environments of 15 Finnish universities.


The project is divided into two types of measures: innovation cluster activities and service production.

Oamk participates in the innovation cluster activities as follows:

Work Package 1: Hub Management and Coordination – Project management and handling and reporting of data collected in the project

  • Monitoring and documentation of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Monitoring service quality and service development
  • Risk management and change management
  • Documentation and management of customer information

Work Package 2: Innovation Ecosystems and Networking – Development of the ecosystem's strategy and maturity roadmap in collaboration with the consortium Implementation of digital maturity assessments (DMA)

  • Participation in regular meetings organized by the consortium
  • Participation in events and activities organized by the Commission and DTA (Digital Transformation Accelerator)
  • Participation in country- and theme-specific focus group meetings
  • Internal and external communication related to the project in collaboration with the coordinator
  • Planning and implementation of marketing measures in collaboration with consortium members

Work Package 3: Testing and Development – Mapping of testing and development services Development of the service model in collaboration with domestic and international EDIH organizations and other key stakeholders

  • Dissemination of information on financing opportunities (BF, ELY, EU) and ongoing projects that companies can benefit from

Work Package 4: Skills and Education Production of Train the Trainer courses, i.e., training other EDIH organizations

  • Use of the online training platform and production of short training content
  • Implementation of information sessions, webinars, and workshops

Service Production

Service production is aimed directly at benefiting individual companies. Oamk and the target company for the service seek support through Business Finland for these priced services.


The activities of Robocoast EDIH are co-financed by the European Union, Business Finland, and the implementing partners of Robocoast EDIH.