eAjo – Research Towards Climate-Friendly Driving Education and Transportation
1 August 2024 - 31 July 2027
Engineering and Engineering Trades

The goal of the project is to map an energy-efficient way of driving for electric trucks in different conditions. In addition, the project investigates the usability and benefit potential of the electronic assistance system that can be connected to the work machine in normal operating situations. With electronic assistants / energy recovery systems, it is possible to reduce fuel consumption and contribute to the achievement of CO2 emission targets.
The project increases expertise in the usability of future electric and electric-assisted work machines and trucks, as well as in the development of the right, energy-saving ways of using them.
Actions and results
As a result of work package 2, measurement-based efficiency maps of an electric truck usage in different conditions are produced. In addition, information has been produced for the storage capacity of the different battery solutions of the tractor’s electric assistance system and for determining the usage area and the efficiency ratio. The produced efficiency atlases will be used in the spring of 2024 in the construction of the educational part of the applied training project, the energy-efficient driving style of an electric vehicle. (measurement: efficiency atlases and a report on the usability of the electronic assistance system that can be connected to the tractor, the efficiency, as well as the sizing and battery chemistry of the necessary battery pack). As a result of work package 3, the usual usage situations where you have to enter the operating area of low energy efficiency have been clarified. In addition, the work package has clarified the opportunities for cooperation with service providers in the field regarding the teaching of energy-efficient driving (simulator). (metrics: 1. report on usual usage situations 2. mapping report, which shows the contacted companies, mapping methods and mapping results).
Funding and co-operation in the project
The funding for this project, financed by the European Regional Development Fund, has been granted by the Council of Oulu Region. The project is implemented in cooperation with Ammattiopisto Luovi, Oulu University of Applied Sciences and companies in the transport industry. In addition to research and development work, the project creates a foundation for the development of research-based training material for teaching energy-efficient driving.