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DIGISOTE-ikä – Digital competence at all ages in the social and health care sector

16 August 2021 - 31 May 2023

Information and Communication Technologies

The project aims to develop practices that enable aging healthcare professionals to continue their work for as long as possible as their digital skills improve. Through these new practices, university students gain valuable expertise from experienced healthcare professionals and insights into the development of digital solutions in the healthcare sector. In the long term, the model affects the knowledge base that students bring to the workforce, resulting in information systems and digital services across various sectors that better serve the needs of the workforce. The project also promotes networking between universities and the workforce.

Additionally, the project generates information about the challenges, barriers, and opportunities related to digital skills among aging employees and citizens for university students, professionals working with the elderly, and developers of healthcare information systems and services.

Project Goal

The goal of the project is to strengthen the information and communication technology skills of aging professionals in the social and healthcare sector and guide them in the use of new technologies, software, and applications brought about by digitalization. This facilitates the retention of aging (54+) professionals in the workforce for a longer period, the transformation of job roles to reduce physical strain, and the prevention of musculoskeletal problems, early retirement, and disability.

Project Activities

Work Package 1: Current State of Digital Skills Among Aging Healthcare Professionals

Work Package 2: Methods for Developing Intergenerational Digital Skills

Work Package 3: Model for Developing Intergenerational Digital Skills

Work Package 4: Project Management, Evaluation, and Communication

Expected Results

The project will develop a model that:

  • Promotes intergenerational skills development among aging healthcare professionals in terms of digital skills
  • Increases the digital skills of aging healthcare professionals in the Northern Ostrobothnia region
  • Enables universities to participate in the development of digital skills among aging healthcare professionals
  • Provides future IT and healthcare professionals with practical knowledge and insights into the digital skills of aging individuals, associated challenges, problems, and opportunities, enhancing their professional expertise.

The training materials for the project can be found here:

Funding and Collaboration

The project is a joint effort between professionals from Oamk’s Department of Information Technology and the Department of Social and Healthcare, as well as the University of Oulu’s Research Unit of Nursing Science and Health Administration Science. It is funded by the European Social Fund and the Regional Council of Northern Ostrobothnia.