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27.8.2024 / Hankesivut

Hack4Health Hackathon, 20-22 September

Apply now to Hack for Health Hackathon

Register now for the OYSTER Hack for Health Hackathon, where creativity, curiosity, and expertise from fields like healthcare, technology, business, and design come together. Hack for Health aims to be the only event in Northern Finland that brings together people interested in innovation and fascinated by the future of health.

Time: September 20–22, 2024
Place: Kiviharjunlenkki 1B, Oulu


– Researchers, students, and professionals in medicine/social and health care
– Researchers, students, and professionals in computer science
– Researchers and experts in AI and machine learning
– Researchers, students, and professionals in business
– Anyone interested in innovating new things and working in multidisciplinary teams

The event will be held in English. The program will be updated here:

Don’t miss this opportunity to collaborate, innovate, and be inspired by like-minded individuals. Register now and join us for an unforgettable experience!

Contact persons

Jussi Haukkamaa, Oamk, Project Manager, jussi.haukkamaa(at)
Minna Komu, Business Oulu, Network Director, Coordination of Health and Life Science ecosystem OuluHealth, minna.komu(at)

The event is organized by the EU co-funded OYSTER project, coordinated by Business Oulu, and implemented in cooperation with Oulu University of Applied Sciences and University of Oulu.