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Entrance exams

Entrance exams are mandatory part of the admission process when applying to our international bachelor’s degrees. The only exception are applicants applying in SAT or in Finnish matriculation examination quota. Participation in the exam requires invitation. The invitations are sent by Oulu University of Applied Sciences. 

International University of Applied Sciences Exam

In the spring 2024 there will be one national online exam available for applicants applying to any of four three English bachelor’s degree programmes.

The number of study places reserved for this selection method is following:

International Business 30 

Information Technology 30 

Mechanical Engineering 25

Nursing 22

The entrance examination assesses the applicants’ abilities to study in universities of applied sciences. The entrance examination does not contain any pre-reading materials or pre-tasks. 

At Oulu University of Applied Sciences, the Bachelor’s degree programme in Nursing has separate Finnish language test. More information about the language test is available at the website of the degree programme. 

More information about the International UAS Exam is available at the national website UASinfo.

Applicants attending the exam must have a valid identification document. Driving licence is not considered enough. Please have a look at the up to date information at the website of UASinfo.

SAT test

In the spring 2024 SAT test is available selection method in three of our degree programmes, International Business, Information Technology and Mechanical Engineering.

The number of study places reserved for this selection method is following:

International Business 5

Information Technology 5

Mechanical Engineering 5

Nursing 0

Applicants applying with SAT test should have the following sections:

1. Evidence-based reading and writing (required minimum score 400)

i Reading testii Writing and language test

2. Math (required minimum score 400)

Only the new version of SAT test (completed after March 2016) is accepted. Oamk accepts SAT test results electronically from the SAT database. Applicant must make sure that Oamk has access to the applicant’s test result by sending the result electronically from SAT database. Additionally SAT score report can be ordered straight from the test organiser to be delivered directly to Oamk. Reports printed and sent by applicants themselves are not taken into consideration. The SAT test selection only takes into account the sections performed during the single session.

SAT results must be at the Admission Services on April 1 2024 at latest.

The SAT test code for Oulu University of Applied Sciences is 7533.