Oamk SimLab
The Oamk SimLab is a simulation environment for testing, developing, and innovating in the health and well-being industry, as well as for enhancing the skills of students and professionals. Welcome to SimLab to develop new health technology and well-being services!
Explore our facilities and equipment!
Our healthcare and well-being simulation environments and laboratory spaces offer opportunities for training, research, and testing. Below you’ll find detailed descriptions of various spaces and contact information if you’d like to inquire further!
CareSim – Simulation studios, debriefing group spaces, and simulated data service
Simulation studio spaces are available for rent for companies/organizations to conduct their own training and produce marketing materials. For example, these spaces can be used for practicing multidisciplinary teamwork in different service environments.
The facilities include:
- Seven simulation studios with audio-visual connection to debriefing rooms
- Control rooms for managing simulations
- Approximately 10 state-of-the-art patient simulators of different ages (e.g., birthing mother, newborn baby, child, and adult)
- Five debriefing group rooms for simultaneous monitoring and debriefing of exercises
- Simulated data service
The studios can be combined and adapted flexibly into various training spaces, from individual patient scenarios to disaster drills. Training environments may include, for example, home, daycare, hospital, health center, or accident scenarios.
Simulated data is artificial data not derived from any specific real dataset. Oamk SimLab can produce simulated data for companies in the product development innovation and ideation phase, upon request and in accordance with a contractual agreement between the company and Oamk. Companies can bring their own products or prototypes for testing and experimentation without going through cumbersome approval processes because the service only produces simulated data. The service does not generate or handle personal data from students or staff. If the company refers to simulated data in its regulatory process, it must apply for a permit from the Finnish Medicines Agency (Fimea). The company itself must then obtain the necessary permits from Fimea and ethical approval.

Eija Hautala
Senior Lecturer, Business Development
+358 50 5820070
Piia Hyvämäki
Senior Lecturer, Digital Solutions
+358 50 5820075
Minna Vanhanen
Senior Lecturer, Digital Solutions
+358 40 1415718
RadSim – Simulation environments for Radiography and Radiation Therapy
Our simulation environment offers radiation workers and imaging organizations and companies versatile opportunities to simulate, test, and practice safe medical radiation use utilizing various imaging techniques.
For X-ray simulation use, we have patient phantoms for head and body regions and radiation protection gear. For digital imaging, we have native X-ray imaging equipment (CR and DR detectors), PTG and intraoral devices for dental and skull imaging, a mammography machine, a portable fluoroscopy machine, and a C-arm.
The quality of digital X-ray images can be assessed, for example, using image quality/CDRAD phantoms on diagnostic displays. Various methods for optimizing patient doses are available, including different radiation meters and the DoseAware software. The simulation also includes a recording image and sound system, enabling the organization of group simulations.
Furthermore, we offer 360⁰ virtual simulation environments for all medical radiation usage scenarios, allowing familiarization with and practice in these environments.

Contact person
Schroderus-Salo Tanja
Senior lecturer, Health education
+358 40 482 9691
The Medical Imaging Teaching and Testing Laboratory (Mittlab) is an environment that enables diverse medical imaging teaching, research, development, innovation, and testing activities for educational institutions, research units, and companies. The laboratory is located at Oulu University Hospital. It offers companies both physical and virtual opportunities for testing new prototypes and devices in hospital-like settings, thus facilitating the commercialization of products.
The physical equipment of the laboratory includes mammography, cone beam computed tomography, computed tomography, and native X-ray imaging devices, as well as an experimental X-ray tomography imaging unit. Additionally, there is a linear accelerator available as a backup device for the radiotherapy unit. In addition to imaging devices, a wide range of phantoms and radiation meters are available.
The virtual tools of the laboratory include 360° virtual environments and virtual imaging devices for various imaging modalities.

Contact person
Schroderus-Salo Tanja
Senior lecturer, Health education
+358 40 482 9691
OptSim – Optometry facilities
The environment of optometry research facilities includes traditional examination tools and imaging systems suitable for examining vision and eye health, as well as practicing treatment procedures according to symptoms.
Additionally, the research facilities include equipment related to vision rehabilitation education, which encompasses areas such as optical lens manufacturing, fitting of contact lenses, solutions for occupational vision, and testing of visual aids for low vision individuals.
Within the environment of optometry research facilities, new research methods and devices are scientifically tested and investigated.
These facilities are utilized for undergraduate and Master’s level education, and they also serve as venues for continuing education programs for companies.

Contact persons
Juustila Tuomas
Senior lecturer, Health education
+358 (0)40 1415723
Andersson Robert
Principal lecturer, Health education
+358 (0)40 1418349
RehaSim – Rehabilitation facilities
The Rehabilitation Virtual and Remote Technology Environment is a developing mobile learning environment where various remote technology solutions suitable for rehabilitation can be tested. In the Ergonomics Simulation Environment, users can practice ergonomic and rehabilitative patient transfers. The space is equipped with a variety of patient transfer lifting devices and small aids for patient transfers, and new equipment can be brought in for students to test. Additionally, the learning environment features a VR system, enabling the utilization of virtual learning and training environments.
Contact persons
Marika Tuiskunen
Senior Lecturer, Social Services, Rehabilitation, and Culture
+358 40 1415727
Pirjo Lappalainen
Senior Lecturer, Social Services, Rehabilitation, and Culture
+358 40 1415730
Workshop Space
The occupational therapy workshop space provides the opportunity for the individual manufacturing, fitting, and instruction on the use of custom orthoses. Orthoses can alleviate pain and prevent or correct misalignments.

Contact Person
Xiong Essi
Senior lecturer, Social Services, Rehabilitation, and Culture
+358 (0)50 4769366
BioSim – Laboratory and Testing Facilities for Bioanalytics
Our simulation environment offers organizations and companies versatile opportunities to safely test and practice various aspects of bioanalytics.
At the Kontinkangas campus, our bioanalytics laboratory facilities enable the testing of the functionality of laboratory equipment and methods. Laboratory and sampling spaces can be utilized for research and product development purposes. We have access to various analyzers for clinical chemistry and hematology as well as blood testing devices. Our facilities include laboratories for clinical chemistry, hematology, histology, molecular and microbiology, and cell culture. Additionally, we have a sampling area where ECG recording and spirometry tests can be performed.
We also offer and tailor training sessions to meet the needs of companies, covering topics such as blood sample collection, spirometry, and ECG recordings.

Contact persons
Nummilinna Katja
Head of Studies, Senior Lecturer, Health Education
+358 (0)40 6452417
Reponen Paula
Head of Studies, Senior Lecturer, Health Education
+358 (0)40 1415703
OralSim – Dental Care Facilities
The OralSim environment is located at Aapistie, on the 3rd floor of Dentopolis. Our environment features 14 modern dental units with state-of-the-art equipment and devices, as well as 16 simulation heads for learning and teaching purposes. The environment is suitable for testing dental care equipment and software. Companies can also use the environment for continuing education purposes. In research and development, students’ input can be utilized as agreed upon. When used by external parties, a teaching dental hygienist is present. The price of the service is determined based on the use of the environment and the content of expert services.

Contact persons
Pylväs Satu
Dental Hygiene Clinical Instructor, Health education
+358 (0)50 4763035
Keinänen Anna-Leena
Head of Studies, Senior lecturer, Health education
+358 (0)40 5423100
Accessible home
The Accessible Home is an accessible and homelike learning environment that can be adapted to various purposes. The home includes different technology-supported living solutions in the entrance hall, kitchen, living room, bedroom, workstation, and bathroom.
The home’s accessible and safe construction and interior design solutions utilize technology to enable individuals with special needs in mobility, vision, hearing, memory, comprehension, or communication to participate in their daily activities and social interactions according to their abilities.
In the home, individuals can try out and practice using various daily living aids to facilitate self-care, household tasks, studying, work, and leisure activities. Additionally, there are portable aids that can be easily taken on trips and visits.
As a simulation environment, the Home enables familiarization with assistive and well-being technologies, such as testing an environmental control system. It also allows for learning about the principles of accessible environment design and modifications.
Students can participate in guided testing and development activities in the Home as part of their studies.

Contact person
Xiong Essi
Senior lecturer, Social Services, Rehabilitation, and Culture
+358 (0)50 4769366