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Our organisation

Oulu University of Applied Sciences (Oamk) is one of the biggest universities of applied sciences in Finland. We educate competent and innovative professionals and conduct active research and development. In co-operation with our partner institutions we create new vitality to the northern region.

Oamk provides Bachelor and Master’s degree studies, pedagogic studies at the School of Professional Teacher Education, professional specialisation and open university studies as well as supplementary training. Studies are offered in the field of Business, Engineering, Health and Social Care, Information and Communication Technology, Media and Performing Arts or Natural Resources.

Alongside teaching, research, development and innovation work (RDI) is the second basic task of universities of applied sciences. Our RDI work supports the development of Oulu and Northern Finland. We educate competent professionals, support entrepreneurship, develop innovation activities and boost international cooperation. 

We develop tools for entrepreneurship and the assist in the birth of new businesses. We participarte in creating a future for Northern Finland by actively developing the region’s work and business life.

At Oamk, the international co-operation is seen as a part of quality. We have a wide international network of partner universities and enterprises in over 30 countries. Together with our nearly 200 international partner institutions we prepare both students and staff for intercultural considerations and for acting in international operating environment.

Oamk acknowledges its ecological, economic and sociocultural responsibilities. At Oamk we are committed to systematically enhancing the principles of sustainable development in all its actions.

One of Oamk’s strategic focus areas is digitalisation. A digital portal together with eKampus supports the digital competence of both students and staff, which enables studying, teaching and guidance digitally. 

Oamk has the Quality Label for Excellence granted by the Finnish Education Evaluation Center. The quality label is valid for six years from 14 June, 2024 onwards. Our quality system meets the national criteria set for quality management of higher education institutions and is in line with the quality management guidelines and principles of European higher education institutions.

Universities of applied sciences require permission from the government to operate. Furthermore, the Ministry of Education and Culture steers the operations of Oamk with four-year agreements that state the key objectives for universities of applied sciences operations and the funding required.

Our operations are also guided by our strategy 2020–2030 and annual action and financial plan. Our mission is to serve the development and renewal needs of working and business life, support the vitality of the region, and ensure the provision of diverse university of applied sciences education in Northern Finland.