Alumni activities
Alumni are our most important stakeholders
Hello Oamk graduate, welcome to join our alumni activities! Our alumni include all those who have graduated from our University of Applied Sciences or School of professional teacher education. We offer you opportunities for continuous learning, and expanding your networks.
Update your contact information
Your lifelong partner throughout your professional journey
We live in a constantly changing world, which is why we offer you opportunities to update your knowledge and skills based on your life situation. By doing so, you enhance your competitiveness in the job market and find renewed enthusiasm in your work. We provide diverse options to deepen your expertise.

Make an impact and participate in the development of education
Alumni are our most important stakeholders, and we warmly welcome everyone to engage in mentoring, guest lecturing, curriculum development, and collaborative research and innovation activities.
Every one of our alumni has a story to tell. Would you like to share your own career story? Please contact us at

Network and participate in events
Our alumni program offers you an excellent opportunity to expand your networks and meet professionals from various fields. Join our alumni events and also add your alumni information to our LinkedIn group, “Oamk alumni”.
We will contact our alumni four times a year through newsletters, where we will share updates on current matters and upcoming events. Please update your contact information to ensure you stay informed about messages and events specifically targeted for alumni!
If you would like to organize a meeting with your study group but need assistance in getting in touch, please send us a message at, and we will help you in arranging the meeting.”

The mentoring program is intended for Oamk students as well as experienced professionals who have been in the workforce for some time!
We are looking for mentors who are alumni, entrepreneurs, and other experienced experts in the workforce to pass on their experiences to the future makers. Mentoring offers an opportunity to strengthen your own guidance skills, reflect on your own expertise and career, and network with the future makers. Along the way, you will undoubtedly learn something new about yourself!
The application period for the mentoring program 2024 will open soon.
Apply now and seize the opportunity to develop yourself!
Read more and apply to be a mentor!

The Alumni Advisory Board
The Alumni Advisory Board, established in spring 2022, has the task of bringing the perspectives of the working life to the development of our operations. The members of the advisory board, who meet twice a year, are alumni from various fields of study, currently serving as leaders or in planning and development roles within their respective organizations.
Members of the Alumni Advisory Board for 2024-2026 are as follows:
- Hanne Hurskainen, Executive Director, MTK, Pohjois-Suomi
- Reima Loukkola, CEO, Arina
- Mikko Veijola, CEO, Taitonetti
- Sanna Laine, yhdyspintalautakunnan pj., aluevaltuutettu, Pohde
- Merja Nelimarkka, CEO, Tornion Energia
- Johanna Klint, Head of PMO, Cor Group
- Petteri Tyni, Alumnus of the Year 2024, Oy Machine Tool Co
- Annika Sorvari, Co-Founder, Nakoa Oy
- Heidi Fagerholm, President, Oamk
- Anu Rosberg, Director, Communications and Public Affairs
- Anna Rinne, Alumni Coordinator, Oamk

Alumni of the Year 2024
Every year, we select the Alumni of the Year who, through their activities, have created a positive image of our university of applied sciences. The Alumni of the Year holds a representative role, and we invite them as an honorary guest to our events for the following year. They can participate in student and alumni recruitment, as well as feature in press articles. The Alumni of the Year serves as the representative of our university.
Petteri Tyni, an engineer, was selected as the Alumnus of the Year 2024. Tyni has actively contributed to the development of cooperation with working life and has created a positive image of Oulu University of Applied Sciences through his activities.
In addition to his engineering studies, Tyni completed a double degree in Ulm, Germany, as part of his studies at Oamk. He is currently studying a Master’s degree at Oamk.
As the Alumnus of the Year, Tyni will participate in the Alumni Advisory Board at Oamk and will be involved in Oamk’s events.

Here are the previous Alumni of the Year:
- 2023: Nakoa Oy
- 2021: Ari Ehrola
- 2020: Hannu Laukkanen, Emma Pakanen ja Jenni Santaniemi
- 2019: Karoliina Korhonen
- 2018: Kari Kokko
- 2017: Ville Mankkinen
- 2016: Liisa Kontturi-Paasikko
- 2015: Asmo Saloranta
- 2014: Mikko Sortti
- 2013: Rita Porkka
- 2012: Joni Pakanen
- 2011: Teemu Vähä
- 2010: Tony Manninen
- 2009: Sanna Hirvaskari
Contact information
Rinne Anna
Alumni Coordinator
Communications, Marketing and Public Affairs
040 8263083