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Punahiuksinen mies violetin taustan edessä.

Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology

The need for ICT professionals is growing continuously. As an ICT engineer, you are able to design and realize various software solutions and applications. You are also capable of working as an active member of your working society and developing your own profession.

What is the BEng degree all about?

The degree programme in Information Technology emphasises web development. The studies consist of software development, web and mobile application technologies and IoT technologies.

Studies are organized mainly as daytime teaching at our campus. The studies are meant for both Finnish and international students who are interested in pursuiting a career in an international work environment in Finland or abroad. Studies are conducted entirely in English and include lectures, workshops, project and group assignments as well as individual presentations. Studies have a close connections to work life and local companies. This ensures that students can put the theory they have learned at lectures into practise.

Software development skills and business knowledge are developed in real-world projects. All real-world projects and practical training enable you to network with work life already during your studies. With us you really learn by doing.

Content of the progamme – The toolkit for your future career

Students study mathematics and physics to build a good basis for engineering studies. Students also learn to document their work and to manage different communicative and interactive situations. In addition, students learn to apply international knowledge and competences in their own eld. Foreign students learn the basics of Finnish language. All students are provided with good skills in web programming, mobile applications and databases. After graduation students are able to design and programme internet services and applications for mobile environments.

The graduates will also have essential web development skills related to current Internet technologies and protocols, web graphics and multimedia, web authoring and design and web programming. It is possible to study advanced programming and deepen one’s knowledge of server programming, mobile application features, development,environments and mobile technologies as well as game development, design and tools. Studies also include user experience and business studies.

Making studies count

Real-life projects are part of Information Technology studies. There are several annual assignments for our students set by local companies. For example, our students have conducted product development projects to local companies. The projects might be related to user interface design, mobile applications, software development, or something entirely different. Sky is the limit!


Students are encouraged to participate in a student exchange period in one of the partner institutions and also to carry out a practical training period abroad.Students will also have an opportunity to apply to a Double Degree programme at partner university.

In Double Degree programme students spend part of their studies in partner institution and will receive a degree diploma from both higher education institutions once they graduate from Oamk.

The life after graduation

The degree programme gives you versatile career possibilities. After graduation students have diverse knowledge and skills to work in the eld of software design, product development and as an expert in the eld of information industry. The job title could be one of the following:

  • Web developer or programmer
  • Web designer
  • Web application developer
  • User interface designer
  • Project manager
  • Senior software engineer
  • Entrepreneur