24 February 2025 / Study at Oamk
Higher education students can now pay the healthcare fee to Kela
The fee must be paid by all students who are completing a degree at a Finnish institution of higher
education and have registered as attending for the term in question.
● Use the OmaKela e-service to pay the healthcare fee. In February 2024, Kela will send a letter to
students who have registered as attending for the spring term but have not yet paid the healthcare fee.
● The healthcare fee is EUR 36.80 per term.
● It must be paid for both the spring and autumn terms.
● The due date for the spring term is 15 March, if you register as attending by 31 January.
● If you cannot use OmaKela for instance because you do not have Finnish banking credentials, please
pay the fee to Kela as a bank transfer.
Read more: kela.fi/healthcarefee