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Ammattikorkeakoulujen kielten ja viestinnän opetuksen päivät 2025

The Language Center of Oulu University of Applied Sciences will organize Ammattikorkeakoulujen kielten ja viestinnän opetuksen päivät 2025 at the Linnanmaa campus on October 2-3, 2025.

The event is aimed at language and communication teachers in universities of applied sciences and anyone else interested in language and communication teaching in higher education.

Information about registration and cost details for the event will be announced on the event page in March 2025.

Call for Presentations 5.2.–15.3.2025

Welcome to Oulu to network and share experiences, good practices, experiments, development results, or research information! This year, we are particularly focusing on work-life relevance with the theme “Are you a pro, too?” However, we hope for presentations broadly from different areas of language and communication teaching in universities of applied sciences.

The format of the presentations can be a speech (30 min) or a workshop (60 min), and they can be held in Finnish, English or Swedish. The maximum length of proposals is 250 words. Send your presentation proposal as an email attachment between 3.2.–15.3.2025 to

Your speech or workshop can cover, for example, the following themes:

  1. Collaboration with the working life in language and communication teaching
    • Experiences of working life collaboration
    • Teacher’s work-life skills
    • Language-aware and multilingual work community
    • Workplace as a learning environment for language and communication skills
  2. Language and communication skills of the future expert
    • Language, communication, and multicultural skills needed in working life and their assessment
    • Language and communication studies as part of continuous learning
  3. Student as a future communication expert
    • Language and communication teaching supporting students’ careers
    • Solutions for supporting language and communication learning
    • International student as a learner of language and communication
  4. Evolving methods of learning and teaching
    • The impact of artificial intelligence on language and communication learning, assessment, and work-life skill requirements
    • Digital solutions for language and communication teaching and learning
    • Higher education community supporting evolving language and communication pedagogy
  5. Other current topics in higher education language and communication teaching

For more information (presentations):

  • Lecturer of Finnish language and communication Soili Fabritius
  • Lecturer of Finnish language and communication Kati Hurskainen
  • Lecturer of Swedish and English language Johanna Talvensaari

For more information about the event:

  • Tarja Paukkeri, Director of the Language Centre, 050 470 7938
  • Outi Saarela, Lead Specialist, Community Communications, 050 596 3246