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25 November 2024 / Tutkimus ja kehitys

DelWaWood project kickoff meeting in Oulu 20-21.8.2024

The DelWaWood project kickoff meeting was organized on 20-21.8.2024 in Oulu, at Oamk’s Linnanmaa campus. All project partners participated in the meeting: Digipolis Oy from Kemi, Luleå University of Technology from Sweden, and Nordland Research Institute from Bodå, Norway.

The purpose of the kickoff meeting was to serve as a start to the project cooperation, plan the implementation of the project and work packages, and participate in the project’s excursion visits to Oulu. On the first day of the kickoff meeting, all project partners gave presentations about their own organizations and the work packages they were responsible for in the project. Aila Ryhänen from BusinessOulu introduced the project actors to the activities of the Circular Economy Cluster.

On the second day of the kickoff meeting, Oamk’s Development Manager Jyri-Jussi Torvinen introduced the guests to Oamk’s Hybrid Laboratory. After this, there was an excursion visit to Kiertokaari, which was presented by expert Johanna Konttila. The project team also visited Syklo, whose activities were presented by project manager Antti Mattila. At the end of the second kickoff meeting day, the results of both days were summarized and the next steps and meetings of the project were planned.

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