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3.9.2024 / Hankesivut

The first OYSTER Incubator program begins

The operations of the OYSTER Incubator, which supports the development of innovations in the health and life science sectors, are starting. The first group will begin the 100-day incubator program on September 11th.

In the first phase of the OYSTER Incubator program, 16 teams will participate. The teams are mostly from Oulu and other parts of Finland, but there are also some international teams involved.

To participate in the incubator program, having an existing business idea was a requirement, so the teams starting the program are at various stages of product development. During the program, the teams will receive support in areas such as business models, intellectual property rights, and regulations.

The teams will test and develop their business ideas throughout the fall and early winter, after which they will have the opportunity to enter the second phase of the incubator, where the development of their business ideas will advance towards a market-ready solution.

The incubator’s operations are part of the OYSTER Health and Life Science Incubator project, funded by the Council of Oulu Region, coordinated by BusinessOulu, and closely supported by the Kerttu Saalasti Institute and Martti Ahtisaari Institute of the University of Oulu, as well as Oulu University of Applied Sciences.

The grand opening of the new OYSTER Incubator facilities on August 29, 2024, drew a full house from the health and life science networks. The incubator is located in Kontinkangas at Kiviharjunlenkki 1B.

More information about the OYSTER Incubator: on the Oulu Health website or the Oamk Oyster project page.

Contact person at Oamk: Jussi Haukkamaa, Lecturer, jussi.haukkamaa(at)