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Balettitanssija laskeutuu korkeasta hypystä. Arktiset Askeleet.

Arktiset Askeleet

Arktiset Askeleet is an annual national dance event held in Oulu, showcasing the diverse field of dance to both participants and spectators. The event alternates between being focused on children under school age and elementary school-aged children, and on dancers in middle school and older. Arctic Steps has been organized since 1985 by the Oulu Province Dance Support Association and Oulu University of Applied Sciences Dance Teacher Education program.

Aktiset Askeleet Comprehensive Review on March 22-24, 2024 at Pohjankartano, Oulu

The 2024 Arktiset Askeleet event will take place from March 22nd to 24th at Pohjankartano. The focus is on a comprehensive review of Arktiset Askeleet, featuring middle school-aged and adult dance enthusiasts and professionals. The pre-jury session was held in January, where out of 173 submitted works, 38 were selected for the spring review weekend. Arktiset Askeleet is an educational dance event showcasing the breadth of the dance field annually. This year’s selection includes a diverse range of dance pieces from various backgrounds, featuring both dance students and enthusiasts from across Finland. It promises to be a spectacular review weekend!

The Arktiset Askeleet review weekend is filled with dance, joy, and encounters. The selected works will perform in reviews, which are also open to the public. Participants and professionals will have the opportunity to attend various dance workshops, side events, and seminars throughout the weekend. Welcome to enjoy dance at Pohjankartano!

Arktiset Askeleet Comprehensive Review Performances at Pohjankartano

Saturday, March 23rd

2:00 PM Opening and Dance Review – Part 1
4:15 PM Dance Review – Part 2

Sunday, March 24th

10:30 AM Dance Review – Part 3
1:30 PM Conclusion of the Review

For more information on the review weekend schedule and ticket prices, please refer to the “For the Audience” section.


01/19/24 The works for the Arktiset Askeleet event have been selected.

10/31/23 Applications for the 2024 Arktiset Askeleet event are now open since November 1, 2023.

Photo Gallery

View photos from previous years’ events at