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PrinLab – Development Laboratory for Printed Intelligence

Printed or printable electronics (also known as printed intelligence) refers to functionality manufactured using various printing methods on different materials such as plastics, paper, or textiles. At Oamk's Prinlab, we offer design, manufacturing, and testing services related to printed electronics, as well as participate in research and development activities and provide training and coaching related to the topic.

Our facilities and equipment

PrinLab – the world’s northernmost small-scale printed electronics manufacturing laboratory offers RDI services from testing to prototyping. PrinLab is located in Oamk Linnanmaa campus. Come and visit PrinLab!

Manufacturing equipment

Atmospheric Plasma treatment system

Plasma treatment system provides a solution for the cleaning and activation of component surfaces before further processing. Plasma surface treatment can be used to improve wettability and adhesion of ink, glues and coatings on many different surfaces.

Plasma treatment system has following properties:

  • potential free discharge
  • high speed production (both sheet and R2R process)
  • automatic discharge air regulation
  • standby air flow
  • output discharge control
  • PlasmaREMOTE HMI control unit
  • 5 Plasma generators with PlasmaTEC-X nozzles

More information at product page.

Dimatix-2800 Inkjet material printer

Dimatix DMP-2800 is a cost-effective, easy-to-use precision materials deposition system.

DMP can be used in applications such as:

  • Material and ink development and evaluation
  • Printed electronics prototype and sample generation
  • Ink and substrate interactions evaluation
  • Printed electronics product development
  • Optimization and evaluation of digital patterns
  • Deposition of biological fluids

More information here at product page.

Ekra E2 silkscreen printer

The E2 semi-automatic screen and stencil printer has been designed for printing of a large variety of flexible and rigid substrates for applications with small to medium size production volumes, R&D as well as prototyping purposes.

Our Ekra E2 is equipped with:

  • manual optical positioning system MOPS
  • print nest 250 x 250 mm with porous stone
  • vacuum option with standalone vacuum pump
  • diamond squeegees 250 mm and 125 mm 70 – 75 shA

Download datasheet

GCC Laserpro Spirit LS CO 2 laser engraver

40 W CO2 laser engraver for engraving and cutting of several materials.

  • 640 x 460 mm working area
  • 10.6 µm sealed CO2 laser
  • AAS cameramodule for accurate registration

Graphtec CE 6000-40 Cutting plotter

Knife cutting plotter with supersteel blade for cutting several different materials into desired shape.

More info at product page.

Hönle UVACUBE 2000 UV curing chamber

UV curing chamber for the laboratory use and small-scale manufacturing processes. UV chamber can be used for different applications, for example curing of adhesives, plastics, inks, varnishes, also UV irradiation for chemical and biological applications.

  • Lamp power 2 kW with two level power setting.
  • Measured intensity up to 623,1 mW/cm2
  • Working capacity of 45 x 40 x 30 cm
  • FOZFR 200 mm lamp
  • Quartz filter
  • Electrical shutter

Equipped with UVAPRINT 100-200 HPV UV radiation device which can be attached also to PrinLab R2R line.

More information at product page.

nScrypt Tabletop 3Dn dispensing system 

The tabletop series dispensing tool is an XYZ computer controlled platform that can drive precision dispensing pumps. Any pattern can be printed in the XY plane and and also conformal printing on non flat surfaces angled up to 45° is possible. nScan surface mapping sensor enables grid map job and can be also used for single point height detection.

The tabletop series micro dispense pump dispensing system offer precision in both 3D (XYZ) printing accuracy and dispensing volume.

Our Tabletop dispensing system is equipped with:

  • Heated Smartpump 100, generation 1
  • Process view camera system
  • Heated vacuum chuck
  • Operator assisted vision alignment
  • nScan Surface Mapping (Point Sensor)

More information at product page. Download datasheet (PDF)

Post-processing line 

The post-processing line is a custom equipment, designed for e.g. deposition of fluids on different substrates or structures on web or sheet.

This equipment works in roll to roll as well as sheet processes. The range of movement of the cartesian robot is 300x300x100 mm, with an accuracy of ±25 microns.

  • Optimal web width 80 mm
  • Size of the 3D-printed vacuum table 320 x 240 mm.
  • adjustable web speed and tension
  • Automatic machine vision registration system.
  • Ginolis EMB and PMB dispensing pumps from 2,5 nl to 140 µl drop volumes.
  • 15,4” touch screen control unit

More information here (PDF)

SOM-100 R2R device

R2R device is equipped with Flexo, Gravure, Hot embossing and Rotary screen printing units. It also has hot air drying capacity of 5,5 m.

Main adjustable parameters & limiting values:

  • web speed 0,1 – 26 (flexo 18) m/min
  • web tension
  • controlled printing unit speed (compared to web speed)
  • web width max. 80 mm
  • Print repeat length 409,58 mm
  • Plasma treatment system

Characterization and measurement equipment

LMI Technologies (FocalSpec X400) surface topography measurement system

Line Confocal Imaging (LCI) technology is optical metrology technology for measuring microscopic-scale dimensions and tomographic structures. The equipment can be use of various analyses in printed, hybrid, flexible, and organic electronics.

X400 equipment has following properties:

  • Non-contact optical analysis for transparent or non-transparent substrates
    • Dimensions
    • 3D topography
    • 2D intensity imaging
    • Film thickness
    • Roughness
  • Measurement speed up to 675000 3D-points/s
  • 2000 points/line
  • 4.4 mm length/line
  • 2.2 x 10 x 1 µm point resolution (X x Y x Z)
  • Precision / point < 1 µm

More information at product page

WeissTechnik LabEvent LC/100/70/3 Laboratory test chamber

Test chamber makes it possible to test the functionality of test specimens under the influence of both temperature and humidity.

  • Test space dimensions 500x490x405 mm
  • Temperature test range -70 to +180 °C
  • Temperature change rate, cooling 4 K/min
  • Temperature change rate, heating 3 K/min
  • Climate test temperature range +10 to +95 °C
  • Climate test Humidity range 10 to 95 %RH

Product page at Product Brochure PDF (PDF)

Optical microscopes, Stereo and light microscopes


Sensit BT 

Further information

PalmSens Potentiostat/galvanostat

Interface for electrochemical sensors.

  • PSTrace program with serial and USB cable connection to PC
  • Shielded cable with connections for a working, counter and reference electrode
  • AC adapter and built-in battery for standalone operation
  • PalmSens SDK for making custom measurements

Supported techniques ( products)

MultiEmStat multi-channel potentiostat

  • Multi potentiostat with 8 independent EmStat2 potentiostats.
    • MultiTrace + PSTrace software and USB cable connection to PC

More specific information


Thermo Fischer Scientific Multiskan MCC Type 355 Microplate reader

Tabletop microplate absorbance reader for ELISAs, protein quantification assays, and more.

  • Spectral Range 340 to 750nm
  • Accuracy ±2% or 0.002Abs
  • Precision CV <0.5% or 0.007Abs
  • Linearity ±2% or 0.007Abs
  • Filter Arrangement Filter wheel 405, 450, 620 nm

Thermo Scientific™ NanoDrop™ 2000/2000c Spectrophotometer

Thermo Scientific™ NanoDrop 2000c is a full-spectrum, UV-Vis spectrophotometer used to quantify and assess purity of DNA, RNA, Protein and more.

  • Micro-volume sample size (0.5-2.0μL)
  • Easy to use—pipet sample directly onto the pedestal
  • No dilutions required, even for highly concentrated samples
  • Fast measurement time of less than 5 seconds
  • Full spectral output (190 – 840 nm)
  • Preconfigured methods for A260, A280, labeled DNA or Proteins, and much more
  • User-friendly software that includes custom methods and data export capabilities
  • Dual modes—choose cuvette or pedestal
  • Broader concentration range for measuring very low or very high concentrations
  • Cuvette capability allows for kinetics (time or time/temperature studies) and cell culture (OD 600) measurements