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Useita asiantuntijoita valkoisissa takeissa työskentelee PrinLabissa

PrinLab – Development Laboratory for Printed Intelligence

Printed or printable electronics (also known as printed intelligence) refers to functionality manufactured using various printing methods on different materials such as plastics, paper, or textiles. At Oamk's Prinlab, we offer design, manufacturing, and testing services related to printed electronics, as well as participate in research and development activities and provide training and coaching related to the topic.

Services and training

PrinLab – the world’s northernmost small-scale printed electronics manufacturing laboratory offers RDI services from prototyping to testing.

Located in Finland at Oulu University of Applied Sciences, PrinLab provides a low-threshold access to SMEs, researchers and product developers to participate in the development and testing of printed electronics applications while enabling co-operation between universities and research facilities.PrinLab offers experts and cutting-edge equipment for printing and testing prototypes for electronics components, feasibility studies and training. Our services are ideal for companies, product developers, researchers, innovators and research and development projects.

The laboratory is part of the PrintoCent Pilot Factory concept.

– Prototype printing and feasibility studies for printed components
– Intensive courses of printed intelligence
– Bioprototype and biofeasibility studies

Get to know our R&D and manufacturing service (MAPA)

Custom training for screen printing

This intensive training gives basic knowledge of printed electronics and practical hands-on training to screen printing technology for printed electronic manufacturing. training will introduce you to the advancements and challenges of using printed electronics techniques and screen printing to create simple electronic structures.

In the first part of the training attendees will learn the basics of printed electronics and material technology. 2ndpart is dedicated to laboratory work. Attendees will get their hands dirty on the real screen printing device and learn how to develop and print new products utilizing screen printing technology.

The training can be tailored to the needs of the trainees / companies, on demand. Ask from our personnel!

Courses at the Oulu University of Applied Sciences

Online courses, for more information and registration

Printed Electronics IP00CH48 (5 CR)

This course introduces to the applications, methods and materials used in printed electronics.

The PE course contains basics of printed electronics: principles of printing processes and materials for printed electronics, designs of simple components and structures. Introduction to application areas is also included with examples of printed components and products.

The printed electronics is online course, where you can proceed according to your own schedule.

Printed Electronics Methods and Applications IP00CH49 (5 CR)

This course contains detailed descriptions of the printing processes and methods, and how they are used in the applications and components of printed electronics. Specifically, the self study sections include practical description of screen printing, dispensing, ink jetting and roll-to-roll printing techniques. The characterization of the quality of the printed components by optical and electrical methods and the basics of designing printed components are also learned.

This is online course where you can proceed according to your own schedule.