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Nainen työskentelee PrinLabissa


1.3.2020 - 31.3.2023

Information and Communication Technologies

Rapid diagnostics is an application area of printed intelligence which benefits the existing environment of the PrintoCent community. The expertise of Oamk, VTT and University of Oulu is pooled to establish a service model that enables the development, manufacturing and clinical testing of new rapid diagnostic devices as well as enhances the overall availability of these technology services to start-up and medium sized companies.

The goal is also to attract international companies, working in the diagnostics field, to settle in the Oulu region, to co-operate with Oulu-based companies and to pilot the service model created in this project.

The development of rapid diagnostics R&D and manufacturing business in the Oulu region requires the co-operation of a broad network, which is possible to be improved through PrintoDiSe.

Oamk is responsible of service network for development of the electrochemical biosensors for rapid diagnostics.

Funding and cooperation

The funding for this project, financed by the European Regional Development Fund, has been granted by the Regional Council of Northern Ostrobothnia. The project is coordinated by VTT, with the participation of the University of Oulu and Oulu University of Applied Sciences.