Study Psychologist
Study psychologists provide individual and group counselling, workshops, online courses, webinars and study-related materials. All current activities can be found on this page.
You can find instructions on how to book an appointment from section “Booking an appointment.”
Other Contact Information
You can make an appointment with a study psychologist if
- You are a degree student or exchange student at the Oulu University of Applied Sciences. The services are not available for the students of Open University of Applied Sciences.
- You need help with study related problems that have not been resolved by other study guidance and counselling
You can contact the study psychologist for study related problems such as:
- Feeling stuck with studies
- Study-related self-esteem
- Motivation issues
- Coping with stress and tension
- Returning to studies after a long break
- Other issues related to learning, such as exam or thesis anxiety, time management, learning disabilities, problems with writing processes
Please note that study psychologists only provide counselling and cannot do psychological assessments. The objective of the counselling is to find new perspectives, practise study skills and enhance study ability. Meetings are confidential and last approximately 45 minutes. There are usually 1-5 sessions per student. Counselling is provided on the Linnanmaa campus and remotely.
Booking an Appointment
To book an appointment with a study psychologist, send email to Please use your -email for booking.
Only include the following information in your email:
- As a title, write information of how you wish the appointment to take place: at campus or remotely, or whether both options are ok.
- Your name and what you study
- Your email
- Your phone number
Please make sure not to include any health related information (such as diagnoses) on your email.
If necessary, please cancel your appointment at least 24 hours before the scheduled appointment. Uncancelled appointments will be counted in the 5 time maximum.
For other than study related issues: please contact the Finnish Student Health Services (FSHS) for an appointment.
Acute help & crisis situations
- Campus Study Counsellor Elina Penger (, crisis counselling)
- Oulun kriisikeskus (Oulu Crisis Center) offers short term counselling and guidance in crises for anyone living or staying in Finland. Call 044 3690 500 (Mon-Fri 9am-2pm).
- Oulun mielenterveyspäivystys (Oulu Mental health service). Call 044 703 5940 (Mon-Thu 8am–4pm, Fri 8am–3pm).
- Oulu University Hospital: for acute psychiatric help call 08 315 2655.
- Student Chaplaincy
- Crisis Helpline. Discuss your thoughts, feelings and situation in life with a worker or a trained volunteer over the phone.
Groups and workshops
You can find more information about groups and workshops on our website. Our services are available for the students of Oulu University of Applied Sciences and the students of the University of Oulu.
Autumn 2024
- Study Together (on Tuesdays)
- Beat Procrastination 6.11.2024
Study Psychologists
Kersti Lantto
Study Psychologist
Pauliina Junnikkala
Study Psychologist
Tuomas Lukkari
Study Psychologist
Frequently asked questions
Conversations with study psychologists are confidential and usually take around 45 minutes. At the first appointment you will agree on further appointments (in case they are needed) and on objectives for the counselling process. The objectives could be some of the following: conceptualizing your situation, developing study skills, enhancing individual agency, and discovering new ways of thinking and acting.
Study psychologists offer help with study-related issues, whereas FSHS psychologists deal with mental health issues. Study psychologists are university employees, whereas FSHS psychologists work in public healthcare. Study psychologist appointments usually occur infrequently, in contrast to the more frequent support offered by FSHS psychologists.
Yes, you can, as study psychologist services are available for all students, including postgraduate students and exchange students. Please note that you may need to queue to get an appointment, which means you might not make it during a short-term exchange program.
Individual appointment in the best option when you need one-on-one counselling. Groups and workshops offer the advantage of getting peer support from fellow students. Peer support may help you realize that you are not alone with your problems. Other students may also give you ideas about solving your problems. Groups and workshops are designed so that you can be yourself and participate in conversations in a way that suits you. Groups run for a longer period of time than individual appointments; that is why group participants don’t usually have individual appointments at the same time.
Study psychologist counselling is in high demand, and there is a limited number of appointments available; you will thus have to queue to get an appointment. Queuing usually takes approximately one month, but the situation may vary during the academic year.
In a crisis situation the students of Oamk can contact Campus Study Counsellor Elina Penger (
You can also get help from:
Crisis help line helps you in 6 languages: Finnish, Swedish, English, Ukrainian, Arabian, Russian.
Couselling related to career and choosing your field of study is provided by career counsellors at the Career Centre, which offers counselling for the students of Oamk and University of Oulu.
You can get help for planning your studies from your Tutor Teacher of from your Campus Study Counsellor.
Study psychologists don’t conduct diagnostic assessments. Diagnostics and treatment always take place in healthcare settings; for diagnostics and treatment you may contact FSHS (Finnish Student Health Service). However, study psychologists can help you find out how to facilitate your studies or what kind of study techniques suit you best.
Campus Study Counsellors can help you if your studies are delayed. Also study psychologists can help you find out how to facilitate your studies, when you have made a Personal Study Plan with the Campus Study Counsellor.
Study psychologist counselling will benefit you most when you are able to advance your studies, at least to some extent. If, for example, there are no resources for studying due to mental health issues, it is not relevant to see a study psychologist at that moment. Instead, you should contact FSHS (Finnish Student Health Service).
Study psychologists may arrange events and give lectures and speeches on topics related to studying and supporting studying. Please note that study psychologists’ calendars tend to be fully booked several months ahead; that is why you should contact them well in advance, so that there is enough time for preparation.
Moodle Courses
Learn how to learn and feel better! The goal of this online course is to create tools in your toolkit to help your studies progress and increase your study well-being. You will get feedback on your progress from the study psychologists.
Course name: studyskills
Course key: studyskills24-25
- Course themes: study techniques, time management, motivation, study related self-image and self-esteem, stress management.
- Participation: You can complete the course independently on Moodle.
Strengthen your psychological flexibility and stress management skills with the Everyday acceptance Moodle course. The course is based on the principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). You will get feedback on your progress from the study psychologists.
Course name: ACCEPT Everyday Acceptance
Course key: accept2024
- Course themes: thoughts and emotions, values, mindfulness, self-compassion and acceptance.
- Participation: You can complete the course independently on Moodle.
Study Psychologist Hilla Marin. Student life and life as a student – what do I need to know about it?
Study Psychologist Hilla Marin. How to maintain motivation and efficiency as a student? Clarifying the long-term goals and creating good plans is motivating. When you’re motivated, goal oriented and well planned you can also manage your time and stress better.
Study Psychologist Hilla Marin. How can you make yourself an effective plan for your studies? Why is calendar an important tool for students?
Study Psychologist Hilla Marin. There are different studying techniques and what works for one doesn’t necessarily work for the other. Self-knowledge is important when searching for the best methods for oneself. When studying different types of materials, it’s often best to use different strategies.
Study Psychologist Hilla Marin. Student well-being is always a subjective experience of one’s own well-being. It could be described as a state where studies are progressing and there’s room for other important things in life as well. What about if well-being is at risk? What to do when you are not feeling well?
Study Psychologist Pauliina Junnikkala talks about stress management.
Study Psychologist Kiia Kilponen talks about academic study skills.