Naveen, who studies data analytics and knowledge-based management, is satisfied…

Master´s degree in Data Analytics and Project Management
Welcome to studying data analytics and management through information at the Oulu University of Applied Sciences! The importance of data gathered from customers by businesses and organisations has increased during the lifecycle of products and services and in the development of business. Many decisions related to the development of products and services are based on direct data and the customer insights gained from analysing it. After graduating, you will be able to work in interesting expert tasks, such as with digital products or services. While studying, you will gain a deeper understanding of ICT and data analytics and will develop the expertise required in the development of ICT projects and business.
Significance of data analytics
After the rise of digitalisation, many services offered to consumers and businesses have become available online and are used via computers or mobile devices. This provides businesses with a large amount of user-oriented data, which they can utilise to develop their services and operations.
The significance of data and the insights gathered from it is emphasised in modern business development and decision-making. Data analytics allows companies to research large amounts of data and to find correlations and answers to questions that support decision-making, such as what has happened, why it has happened, what can happen in the future and what procedures the company should implement to solve potential issues. If the amount of data is large enough and the data itself is correct, companies can rest assured that their decision-making is not based on individual persons’ prejudices or potential misconceptions but on valid and relevant data. This type of decision-making provides a clear competitive edge now and in the future.
A University of Applied Sciences’ Master’s degree provides the same eligibility as a university Master’s degree. The Oulu University of Applied Sciences (Oamk) also refers to this as a master’s degree.
Some of the studies are completed together with students completing master’s degrees from other fields. Common studies will thus give you an opportunity to network with experts from other fields. The following study modules are included in common studies: strategy and personnel management, service design, project management, joint development, acquisition skills, sales and customer skills and entrepreneurship.
Studying the master's degree programme online
Education in English is comprised of e-learning and can be completed flexibly while working in 1–2 years. The studies mainly involve flexibly scheduled online courses and assignments. The studies involve a hands on period, where students will get to develop their expertise on a case study that serves local businesses. The thesis included in the degree programme is started at the beginning of studies and studies can be concentrated accordingly.
Studies included in the degree programme (60–90 ECTS):
The scope of the degree programme is 60 (Technology) or 90 (Business Economics) ECTS and is comprised of the following modules:
- Professional advanced studies 20 or 45 ECTS
- Electives 10 or 15 ECTS
- Thesis 30 ECTS
See a more detailed description of the structure of the studies and the study contents in Study Guide. The purpose of disciplinary studies is to provide students with the necessary scientific research skills required to complete their master’s degree. Advanced vocational studies focus on data analysis tools and methods and their application in supporting a company’s decision-making. The degree programme is based on a practical approach that is particularly emphasised in advanced studies and in the Master’s thesis. The Master’s thesis revolves around applied research motivated by the needs of a company.
Master's thesis
The study programme includes a research development task supporting work life of 30 ECTS, i.e. a Master’s thesis, which can be started at the beginning of studies. The thesis is oriented around the private sector in such a way that the student chooses the subject matter on their own or can combine the development assignment to their own work. This way, the student is responsible for designing, testing and implementing a development project based on a genuine demand. This also helps the student to develop as an independent innovator.
The thesis requires a systematic and investigative approach, knowledge in the field, the ability to define the task, methodological expertise, cooperative and communication skills as well as presentation and publishing skills.
Employment after graduating
After graduating, you can work as an expert in product development, in projects and in production. Employment options include:
- Product development or production management.
- Managing demanding ICT development projects .
- Design and managerial tasks in the ICT field.
- Demanding professional tasks in your respective field.
According to the Labour Institute for Economic Research (Palkansaajien Tutkimuslaitos – PT), completing a master’s degree can raise an employee’s annual income by thousands of euros.
Qualification and post-graduate studies
The programme will provide you with a Master’s degree level of qualification (EQF7) Post-graduate studies are offered by the Oulu University of Applied Science’s School of Professional Teacher Education and the University’s faculties. The programme will also support your opportunities for post-graduate studies in the University and in the School of Professional Teacher Education.
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