Biogas and Biomethane from Farms (BioKaMa)
1 January 2020 - 31 December 2023
Agriculture and Forestry

Goal of the project
The goal of the BioKaMa project is to promote biogas production, refining possibilities, and utilization in Northern Ostrobothnia. Biogas can be used for energy production or, when purified, as fuel for various vehicles in transportation. Harnessing the potential of biogas contributes to slowing down climate change and provides means for adaptation. Moreover, biogas is a domestic and renewable energy source.
Farms in the forefront of biogas production
We are looking for farm groups or individual farms in Northern Ostrobothnia interested in collaborative biogas production or planning individual biogas production, and we help them advance their plans. Finnish farms play a crucial role in driving the growth of biogas production.
Farms have the potential for significantly expanded biogas production and utilization. Especially the growing use of biomethane in transportation brings opportunities for rural businesses. We aim to discover and highlight new biogas purification, refining, and utilization technologies suitable for the scale of farms. We also update farms’ knowledge about biogas matters.
The project covers the entire Northern Ostrobothnia region. Our target audience includes farms and entrepreneurs in Northern Ostrobothnia interested in biogas production, refining, or utilization, and motivated to participate in the project. The project benefits rural entrepreneurs in Northern Ostrobothnia, organizations working with entrepreneurs, and municipalities in the region.
Biogas use in transportation is increasing
In Finland, the use of biogas in transportation has been modest for a long time. However, as seen from the table below, the registration of gas vehicles is on the rise, surpassing 12,000 gas vehicles in June 2020. In June 2021, there were over 14,000 gas-powered vehicles on the road, at the end of 2021, 15,868 vehicles, at the end of 2022, 17,287 vehicles, and by the end of September 2023, 18,208 vehicles (Source: Traficom). The proliferation of gas vehicles has been accelerated, particularly by the expansion of the biogas refueling station network, with nearly 84 stations currently available. There are almost 75 planned gas stations. The northernmost gas refueling station is currently in Keminmaa, and a gas refueling station is under construction in Rovaniemi. A gas station is also planned for Kemijärvi. (The information is based on the data available as of September 30, 2023).
Most gas vehicles are passenger cars, but gas-powered trucks, buses, and waste trucks are already in heavy traffic. In addition to transportation, biogas could also be used in tractors and other agricultural machinery.
From an environmental perspective, transitioning to biogas in transportation and energy production as an alternative to oil significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Biogas emissions are about 85% lower than those of gasoline. The positive environmental impact of biogas extends beyond transportation, as biogas production itself represents optimal circular economy practices.
Actions of the Project
Throughout the project, we will organize several seminars and events related to biogas across the entire region. We will produce publications, surveys, and reports advancing biogas production and utilization possibilities, covering conversion, new biogas purification and pressurization technologies, as well as various business models for biogas production.
The project is implemented in six sections:
- Assembling farms interested in biogas production into implementation groups.
- Execution evaluations and channels for the groups’ biogas production plans.
- Promotion of biomethane production opportunities on farms in Northern Ostrobothnia.
- Expanding the possibilities of biogas usage on farms; possibilities for converting tractors and machinery and promoting gas energy use.
- Communication
- Project management
Funding and Implementers
This project is financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, provided by the Centre for Economic Development, Transport, and the Environment.
The BioKaMa project is implemented jointly by Oulu University of Applied Sciences (Oamk), Educational Consortium OSAO (VET), and Centria University of Applied Sciences (Centria).