Missed the Joint Application? Supplementary Application Round Opens Soon!

Oamk organizes supplementary application round for study places that were not filled during the joint application. The application period for supplementary application round is on 5-8 August at 8 am to 3 pm (Finnish time). The online application is available during the application period at national Studyinfo website. Fill in the online application and submit it during the application period.
Bachelor´s degree programmes
Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing, full-time studies
Musiikkipedagogi (AMK), päivätoteutus (IN FINNISH)
Master’s degree programme
Kulttuurialan ylempi AMK, kulttuurituottaminen ja luova talous (IN FINNISH)
Master of Culture and Arts, Education Entrepreneurship
Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ylempi AMK, kliininen asiantuntija (IN FINNISH)
You can find the information of the degree programme, the selection method and the application form from the website of the degree programme.
The results of the supplementary application round will be sent by email on 16 August (Bachelor) and 23 August (Master) at the latest.