INKLU project promotes equality in vocational education and training

Finland has long been committed to promoting inclusive education, yet there is still a need for development in its implementation. The INKLU project responds to this need by seeking and disseminating inclusive practices that support the equality and accessibility of vocational education and training for students requiring special support.
The foundation of inclusion is the principle of equality. Every individual has the right to pursue a career path of their choice and receive the necessary teaching and guidance to progress in their studies. The core principle is to provide students with appropriate support within their studies, rather than directing them to separate special education groups.
The INKLU project focuses on advancing inclusive vocational education for students with special support needs.
“Good inclusive practices are operational methods that promote inclusion and educational equality. They ensure that students in need of special support can study on an equal footing throughout Finland,” explains Eero Talonen, a lecturer and expert in the project from Oulu University of Applied Sciences (Oamk).
Practical solutions for advancing inclusion
The INKLU project identifies and develops concrete ways to enhance inclusion in vocational education. Various best practices have emerged from online workshops, including a transition-phase information transfer form that allows student support needs to be considered early in the educational pathway.
“Other excellent practices include a pre-assessment form to identify the support measures students need during work-based learning, as well as Kohtaamo activities that encourage student grouping and community building,” Talonen describes.
Other key models identified include the involvement of special education teachers in students’ Individual Education Plans (HOKS) and digital dyslexia screenings, which help identify learning challenges and provide necessary support at an early stage.
Cooperation between universities of applied sciences and educational institutions
The INKLU project is implemented in cooperation between five universities of applied sciences. The participants include Oulu, Jyväskylä, Tampere and Häme University of Applied Sciences and Haaga-Helia. Each institution contributes its expertise in vocational teacher training and special support.
“At Oamk, we have strong expertise in promoting inclusion in vocational education. We also offer a highly regarded vocational special needs teacher training program, which qualifies professionals to provide special support in vocational education,” Talonen explains.
Each university of applied sciences has a regional vocational education partner within the project.
“Our regional partner is Koulutuskeskus Brahe, and our area of responsibility covers Northern Ostrobothnia, Kainuu, and Lapland,” Talonen adds.
Online workshops support development work
As part of the INKLU project, online workshops are organised where different actors can participate in the development work on an equal footing.
“We hold workshops in our area online so that everyone has equal opportunities to participate in them, in line with the idea of inclusion,” Talonen emphasizes.
The next online workshops will be held in February-March. These workshops focus on developing the skills of VET staff in specific support. The leaders of all organisations organising vocational education and training in North Ostrobothnia, Kainuu and Lapland and persons responsible for special support have been invited to attend.
In addition, Oamk and TAMK will draw up a joint training package that supports vocational education personnel in developing inclusive practices.
The INKLU project will culminate on 5th May 2026 in Hotel Lasaretti in Oulu with a seminar organised by Oamk, where the results of the project and the developed operating models will be compiled.
“Our goal is to ensure that as many vocational education students as possible reach their best potential, progress in their studies and graduate with a degree,” Talonen sums up.
Additional information:
Project experts at Oulu University of Applied Sciences
Lecturer Eero Talonen, tel. 040 486 5867,
Lecturer Tuula Savikuja, tel. 050 346 4070,
INKLU projects website in Oulu University of Applied Sciences online service